

*no reason for this title except its Halloween and you can always use a good evil laugh on All Hallows Eve. Or Samhain, (blooger must be strictly Christian cause it don't know that word) which means Summers End in some other language.

DONT FORGET TO SET YOUR CLOCKS BACK ON SUNDAY (fall back momofoko, I don't know you like that!)

So I gave myself the day off, cause I was hella busy today and I noticed that I've been doing a lot of post lately. Each month has more post that the one before it. But as you can see, I couldn't stay away. I got the broadband fixed on the macbook, but I spent last night watching Extreme Makeover Home Edition on abc.com. I really like that show, even if it makes me cry every week. This week they helped out a Navajo boy and his family. This little dude didn't have heat in the trailer that they were living in so he invented a solar powered heater for his mom and little sister. I mean homeboy went to the junkyard found some old cans and made that shit work. AND all the while he was going to a school that lacked proper science equipment. They built him and his sisters a green house, complete with sedum on the roof, solar panels that following the sun, and a wind turbine. Plus it lookded (sorry I typed that by mistake but left it in cause it irks me to no end when I hear people say it) amazing.

Something weird happened to me last night. I was walking to the train station after work, on the phone telling Mommy that I was on my way, when I hear someone say, "Wow, beautiful locks." I turn around and look up into some of the nicest eyes I've seen in a long time. No need to tell you that I got off the phone with Mommy quick fast in a hurry. He introduces himself asks if I'm on my way to the train station and if he can walk me. Big pretty man wants to walk me to the train, heck yeah! Pleasant conversation for the most part, but he was weird. He had locks too, but he cut them off, and was carrying them around in his backpack. He's telling me how he's gonna glue them on a cap and wear them for All Hallows. Typical, he cute and crazy. So we get to the train station and he's all, "Well it was nice meeting you Trouble" and I'm all "It was nice meeting you too!" eyes all a twinkling smile all bright and shiny, but I gotta admit that I forgot homeboys name as soon as he told me about the hair in his bag. And he's kinda holding on to my hand, and I let him for a minute. But I have a short attention span so I pulled free and he let me go with a maybe I'll see you around.

Not that I was into crazy pretty boy but I think I'm a little offended that he didn't ask for my number...


af said...

damn trubs dudes are really feeling u!

i luvs dreads (afro JAMAICANO haha) i was gonna grow some buh my mum (afro americana) sed it wudent be proper in the bidness world my dad (afro jamaicano) was excited when i sed i wanted tog et them. some people don't know wuh they represent though....

why are the cute ones always crazy as cat shih!?

damn that boy on extreme home makeover sounds like a future scientist or something making heaters and shih ive nvr gotten into that show, buh i does like "Extreme body makeover" or w/e that other show is called haha

PrettyBlack said...

I hate when people say skinneded what the FUCK???!!!

Why cut 'em off to glue 'em back on? Crazy mutha...Shut yo mouth!

Smart kid they should pay for his college education.

And you be careful out there,dealing with men who could snatch your ass up! (that's the momma in me) and send us some pictures of them damn dreds cause I'm sick of hearing about 'em, I wants to see 'em.

Anonymous said...

* Troubs, you do have beautiful locks!

* Maybe he was smart enough to know you wouldn't give him your number anyway...

* Move that bus.

Danae said...

I third the buutiful locks! And second the second thing Anners said.

Amazon said...

if he was sane then he felt like an ass when he told you about his locks in his bag, and knew that you weren't gonna give him your number.