
Crazy Little Man

Sooo BossMan gets to the office at like 6:07 looking like his slightly deranged scruffy twin and what do I say, "Shit, you look pooped!" And he's like "what?!" You should have seen his face the time I told him that some lady was having a conniption, I thought he was gonna have a brain aneurysm or something. Poor confused sleepy little man. I always forget that english is not his first language...

So now its 8 fucking 34 (I said he was gonna keep me here til half past late as hell!) and I'm missing ANTM and hes about to fall into his cup of coffee. I'm outta here...


af said...

trubs do not tell me when u work late b/c im always soo worried about u gettin home safely....ny is a huge/dangerous place (i say carry a string of prayer beads in ur purse and pepperspray... and a whistle and a str8t razour...)

can u reveal where he's from?
also wuh does he look like? he's from europe so he's either smoking hott or ugly...
so dish girl dish!

NaimaEfuru said...

Don't worry Afro, when I travel late there are still alot of people on the street, in the train stations and on the train and I'm hella paranoid anyway. If it gets really late I take a cab home (job reimburses me)

af said...

u all hav real dishes, u get reimbursed to take cabs home, fresh flowers, A KITCHEN!! im soo jealous. afro gets paper plates, plastic cutlery, old coffee, and a utility sink to rinse the dishes....

why not jus buy a car? (is nyc traffic really that bad?)

NaimaEfuru said...

the traffic isn't so bad, its parking thats the problem there are alot of traffic meters and I really dont want to have to run out every hour to put money in the meter and the parking garages by my job charge like $60 for the day...

and when I first started working here we didnt have any of this expect a small fridge and a crappy lil microwave