
Puppy Love

I think the first person that I ever had a crush on was Smokey Robinson. It's actually kinda ironic considering I hate clowns, but something bout those eyes just did something for my 6 year old brain. Hautechick teased me endlessly. Then I had a crush on Billy Dee Williams. Still do. Then in the first grade I met Lloyd and I was a goner.

His sister and my sister were in the same class, so we would often be the only younger kids in the group. And he had a widow's peak that I thought was adorable. Other than that I can't really remember why I liked Lloyd. As is the way with all great tragic romances, I didn't find out that he liked me too til 6 years later when we were at separate schools and he had a girlfriend. A really really really nice girlfriend actually. I was in the seventh grade, my first year at private school, and my best friend from public school was having a birthday party. Lloyd was there with his new girlfriend, and she introduced herself, told me she had heard alot about me and said it was ok if Lloyd and I danced together. Cool as shit. I can't remember her name for the life of me. But I ran into her many years later at Hunter College. She was still one of the most laid back, self confident women I have evah met. She told me that Lloyd ended up in the NFL...

Strangely enough, my next crush came in the seventh grade. Bubba. Yup, if you haven't been following along, he's one of my best friends. TO THIS DAY. I love that man. We might not talk all the time, but when ever we get together its like no time has passed at all. He knows me better than most people, he probably always will. But back the, he was the most popular boy in class. And his blue green eyes used to drive me to distraction. Seriously. This was the first time in my life that I had ever been attracted to someone who wasn't brownish. And boy was my crush a doozy. I got dentention about 4 times a week because of that boy. I found him absolutely fascinating. And apparently he thought the same about me cause we would pass notes all during Lucette's lessons (we called the teachers by their first names) and she always caught one of us. Usually me. My face has always given me away and I think I've mentioned that I'm a terrible liar.

Where I can only really remember two things that I liked about Lloyd, there's alot that I remember about why I liked Bubba. His ass being first and foremost. That man has the best ass I have evah seen and one of my greatest regrets in life is that I will nevah get to see it naked. I've palmed that shit more than enough though. Best believe. Better move on before I distract myself with ponderings on Bubba's butt. I mentioned the eyes. He was also the most popular boy in our class. Not that I was into that, but what I was into was the fact that he didn't care if his other friends liked me, he did. And that was enough. Shit, some of my friends didn't like him. But that never stopped us from hanging out.

He was the best athlete too and was a huge part of the reason that I started playing sports. I'd like to think that I started because of the joy I saw that he got from playing, and thats true to a certain extent. But some of it was the chance to spend more time with him. Sports were co-ed in 7th and 8th grade. Don't think that I was following him around like a love sick fool. Never that. He was taking me with him to practice. Showing me how to shoot a basket, or hit a softball, or trying to teach me to kick a soccer(foot) ball. I never did get the hang of that one. And I ended up being alot better than him in volleyball. By the end of 8th grade he was the top male athlete and I was the top female. I actually one upped him in basketball, cause by then I was playing on the high school team. And I had actually started a game for the varsity team. But the point is, he showed me that I was good at something. A couple of somethings actually and I will always love him for that.

1 comment:

af said...

damn u got the pik of the litter when it came to boys, ones w/ nice tuchuses, cute ones, good atheletes, etc.

my heart almost stopped when u sed u called ur teachers by their first names (sry im souterhn can't help it haha!!)