
When All Else Fails...

...the Muppets always make me smile. So here's a classic clip of two of my favorite Muppets, Fozzie Bear, and Rowlf (who was almost named Barkley - like the Sesame Street Dog,Woofington, Howlington, Beowolf, or my favorite Barkus)

Rowlf was the first member of the Muppets to gain nationwide fame when he appeared on The Jimmy Dean show from 1963-1966. But he first appeared in 1962 in some Purina Dog Chow commercials. He was designed and preformed by the late Great Jim Henson and was built by Don Sahlin. Henson preformed as Rowlf until 1990 (the day the Muppets went silent) when Bill Barretta took over. Rowlf has a huge crush on Lassie and contrary to popular belief, he was not a member of Dr. Teeth's Electric Mayhem (which is what I'm naming my band - who's in?)

Fozzie is Kermit's best friend and was performed by the enormously awesome Frank Oz (dude was Yoda and Miss Piggy, how fucking cool is he!) Fozzie and Kermit once even played twin brothers in The Great Muppet Caper. Here is a picture of their dad
In case you can't tell, he's the one on the right. And here are Fozzie and Rowlf, ready modulate!


Amazon said...

I love Fozzie, Rowlf, Animal, Grover, Slimey, and Telly.

NaimaEfuru said...

Oh I sooo love slimey! and its really strange your here cause I was just on the skirkle!

Amazon said...

Yeah that's why I stopped by, what the heyal you doin on so late?

NaimaEfuru said...

I usually don't leave work til about 8:15. But then again I don't get here til 10:30