
Sleep Talkers

I come from a family of sleep talkers. Mommy manages to crack me up at least once a week when she falls asleep watching the 11 pm news with me. I usually don't realize that she's sleeping right away and I'll say something like, "Oh my gosh, that's crazy!" and she'll be like "I know right! If they don't get the purple flowers in the ground by Wednesday the groundhogs will go apeshit!" (*gigglin like a loon!) And I'll say "huh?" and then she'll be totally awake and responding to whatever it is that I was reacting to on the news. "Oh yeah I heard about that earlier and it really is a shame. The declining moral values of Americans are just appalling I tell you!" And of course she remembers nothing about the purple flowers and groundhogs and I look like the nutbucket cause I'm cracking up and trying to remember exactly what it is that she said.

Hautechick is a little better but not much. She just has outburst. She me and the Artist will be chilling at her house watching tv and she starts getting quieter and quieter til finally shes curled up in a little ball. Then she starts whispering shit. Just below your hearing range. Me and the Artist will end up sneaking closer and closer to her in an attempt to hear what she's saying, trying not to laugh. "What did you say Hautey?" and all of a sudden shes wide awake and pissed and me and the Artist are like 2 inches from her face. "I said get the fuck outta my face! What the hell are you two doing?!"

The Artist is the most fun. He actually answers you when he's sleeping. "Hey Artso, you mind if I change the channel?" "Nah Troubsy, just make sure that you don't forget to tie a counterclockwise knot before you do." Unlike Mommy, the Artist's outburst usually aren't gibberish, just odd.

So what do I do? Well I have the inane ability to sound completely awake and lucid even when I'm sleeping. Which means that I have the tendency to answer the phone in my sleep. I'll wake up minutes into a conversation with no idea of what I said! This happened on Monday when Brownie called me. I'm still not sure what I said, but it musta been good cause he wants me to spend the weekend with him...


PrettyBlack said...

My hubby sleep eats will walk to the kitchen straight to the refrigerator pour a glass of milk then stand over the cookie jar and kill about 6 nutter butters

he doesn't believe me...but then wonders why he works out 4 times a week and still has a mid section like an inner-tube.

Danae said...

That is crazy! I used to sleepwalk TOTES when I was a youngen, and sometimes I till do. I got to make sure I keep the doors locked, cause otherwise I'll be bebopping down the street in my PJ's, which means I would prolly just fit in, cause everyone is a crazy bastard in my neighborhood

Srenna|Anners said...

I used to be bad with this sleeptalking stuuffs.

Amazon said...

I am a sleep talker, but also a pretty light sleeper, so when homie trys to get me talkin in my sleep, I wake up. He on the other hand will open his eyes and talk but not remember a damn thing.

af said...

haha my dad wude talk in his sleep a bit too haha

that shih is kinda weird...buh once someone gets used to it, i bet its funny as hell haha!

i actually hav nite terrours (which are sposed to stop when ur like 8) buh like someone tries to wake me up and ill either start crying or hav this totally scared look on my face, i of course hav no recolection of this, buh one day when i was sleeping @ work my boss was like "afro, are u ok, when i woke u up, u had this crazy look in ur eyes" haha

NaimaEfuru said...

Ha, you guys crack me up. I was concerned for a min for Afro an his terrors til I started laughin at him fallin sleep @ work!

Janers said...

That is insane!

My sisters boyfriend sings 2pac in his sleep. if u poke him in the face with a straw he will bat at it and go "dam flies". Once I thought someone was breaking in downstairs and I went into their room and he sat up and said "What?" really really loudly and I kept repeating what i had said untill my sis informed me he was actually asleep.

Everyone else in the family is boring sleepers.