
I Must Be Feeling Better

Cause I'm back to causin Trouble in the office. So it was like 1:30 and I say to BossMan, "I'll be right back I'm going to get lunch." I figured it was a good time cause he was surrounded by paper and it looked like it would take a while to dig himself out. "NO!" The poor man looked so frantic, eyes wide, hair a little crazed, clutching papers like his life depended on it. "Please Trouble, I need help!" Awwww, for a second there I thought he was gonna cry. So naturally I giggled right? "Fine, fine, but hurry, I'm starving"

So then it's 2 and I'm getting ready to place a dial up order to Johnny Rockets (another sign I'm feeling better, I want meat!) And he comes into my office and is like, "Hey Trouble, can you
(OOooooo soooo pretty, there's a rainbow outside my office window! Is there some kind of wish or prize for being the first one to spot it?)
wait until 3 to go get lunch or are you really hungry?" So then it was my turn, "Noooooooooooo! I'm weak with hunger, I cannot go on!" A little overly dramatic, I'll admit, but it got a chuckle and a "Go, but hurry" from BossMan.

So I come back, and the office manager, Maria, for the sales people that are temp. in our office comes to me with a questions. "Trouble, JohnHolmes ordered all of this stuff for when our sales office opens but theres no more room for it in the back. Do you know where I should put it?" Oooooooooo, pick me pick me (who knows where that is from) - "Put it in John Holmes office." And she does. And he comes back and freaks the fuck out. (Rightfully so, cause that shit was packed all kinds of crazy ways in his office!) And I'm sitting in my office gigglin like a loon. Ah, all is right with the world.


Danae said...

TrobHo to the rescue!!!! You totes need your own theme music

Amazon said...

Glad you are back to normal. well what you call normal, bwah ha ha!