
The Way I Are...

I was a floater in high school. Not really surprising considering that I bore easily and the damn school only had 87 people. My class was the second largest, coming in with a whooping 23 kids. And just in case you still haven't gotten it let me spell it out. e i g h t y s e v e n k i d s i n t h e e n t i r e s c h o o l n i n t h t o t w e l f t h. Got it?

So I hung out with everybody. The Theatre kids were always in character. I did Waiting for Godot, God by Woody Allen, and the Mad Woman of Chaillot, pretty impressive works for high school. And see there is some basis for me saying that I'm gonna be the next Gabby Union, only this time with talent (*ba doom bish!) But it still did not prepare me for the nasty ass Theater Major that would be my roommate freshman year in college - used tampons and pads do not go in the wastepaper basket you crab! (I was in that room for less than a month - the stupid RA was like "Why don't you try talking to her? Maybe she doesn't know..." 18 years old and she don't already know that people don't want to see her bloody rags?! - sorry that was gross for me too)

I played trumpet in the Jazz band and I've been know to improvise on a sax or trombone. My name earned me alot of cool points with the music set. I also sang 2nd Soprano in the school chorus - I even had a couple of solos. I can still give one hell of a Yankee Yell (I was gonna put Rebel Yell there but that would have been all kinds a wrong for a black girl from NYC) and I probably have one of the most melodic Rat Rage Screams in New York.

I hung out with the Asian kids (girls really there were only like 2 Asian guys, one who was kinda hot but very pervy), the school was so small the cool ones and the geeky ones had no choice but to hang out together. In exchange for editing their papers, I had all the Calculus tutors a girl could ever want and a hook up for my pager. With them I learned how to tell when an Asian woman is cursing you out without having to know the language, that I can eat Jellyfish (but why would I want to when its like chewing on rubberbands), and they used to always tell me when people were talking about me (couldn't fart in that school without the Asian chicks knowing!)

I played volleyball, basketball, and softball so I had an in with the jocks. Specially since I used to fill in for the guys basketball team's score keeper. They didn't let me do that very often cause I would usually bust into giggles at the patheticness (that's not really a word, but it should be!) that was our boys basketball team. Girls team totally kicked ass though! We were always in the semi-finals or finals for our league while I was playing. And did I mention that I was a starter freshman year (it would be more impressive if I hadn't just told you that there was only 87 kids in the school) and that I've played ever position except point guard. Yes, my 5'7" ass did play center and did the jump ball gainst some big burly bitches!

I hung out with the gays and lesbians, well actually I had 2 openly gay teachers and one suspected lesbian (the school was founded by a communist lesbian so lets just say tolerance was more than a catch phrase.) Plus I had two friends, one male and one female who came out shortly after graduation (well actually he was a year ahead of us so he came out and my homegirl did too. duh you idiots, like I didn't know! Shit I think I knew before they did.) And from them I learned that gay or lesbian does not mean sex addict. Sheet if I had a quarter for everytime some dowdy dog lookin chick thought my homegirl was checking her out in the locker room just because she was gay. Dudes don't want you, you really think a woman would? (by the by we all lived in the same neighborhood and took the train home together not that I need to justify why we hung together.) They also taught me how to pitch pennies at the third rail (I know I know totally troublesome right but you'll be happy to know I was never able to get the penny to make sparks...)

I was also in student government, gave peer tours to visiting students, was the effing prom committee (u bunch of lazy shits! I wasn't even gonna go to that crap) and was in the photo club (and I pretty sure that I still remember how to process my own film and make my own prints.)


Danae said...

Um, okay, I'm a bit weirded out, cause you totally just described my high school life. Only I had close to 4000 peeps in my high school.

I was in community theater during my entire high school life and most of my college life too. I was in the Orchestra (second chair cello, bitchez!) and choir (only I was an alto). I played shortstop in softball, tennis, and volleyball, and of course, you all know Mercedes :) Oh, and I was treasurer for student body government my junior and senior year. I also served as secretary for the German Club, pres of the Russian club, wrote for the school paper, and yes, I was part of the photo club. Then, I totally got lazy.

Oh, and I adore you some GD much for slipping Rebel Yell in there. I heart Billy Idol.

"Dudes don't want you, you really think a woman would?"
Too effing funnie!

NaimaEfuru said...

now if only i could speak something besides english, i'd be ur east coast twin!

Danae said...

Heck yes!

Janers said...

I was bum during highschool(still am). In year eight I gave up playing in the orchestra and netball and stuff coz I couldn't really see how it would benefit me in life. I hve always been a 'do the minimal amount of work that you need to still get by' type of person.

I was a bit of a floater too but we didn't really have such groups as 'theatre kids'or 'jocks' or anything. There were different groups of friends but everyone got on well with each other.

swag_ambassador said...

LOL@ photo. i still remember the whole process myself. 1.take out the film in the black bag (that was always the hardest part, closin ma eyes to imagine the lil hook and ish) 2. wash it. 3. chemicals. 4. dry. 5. peep the pics in the darkroom. 6. print!

NaimaEfuru said...

oh and janers I forgot to mention one of my favorite peps in HS was a dude from Australia - we used to crack up cause he was able to make fun of folk and they wouldn't even know what he was sayin. He was a hoot, I miss that guy

af said...

my highschool experience? one school w/ like 3,000 kids, then i went to an "altenative" schoo for bad kids....that had like 75 kids.....haha atleast i got to meet a few cute guys there and talk about people in spanish w/ my chicana lesbian friend haha

i cudent come out in highschool, i mean people knew, buh when u liv in the city, go to a blk church, to a huge school u just can't come out..shih now that im in college i can be whoever the hell i wanna be! haha

thnk god i dun live on campus. im still deciding between the big state schoo and the small schoo...buh one thing i do know is i DO NOT wanna be in a co-ed dorm...

ur ex roommate sounds nasty as hell. w/ my personality i wudent hav been able to put up w/ that. i mean w/ guys it's different, u espect them to be kinda messy, buh girls...nah that just wont do haha

Srenna|Anners said...

I'm so mad! I just wrote up a cute little lengthy comment and it didn't bloody process!!

I have to go back to the hospital. bah hobag!

Anyways: Trovbers -- your high school lige sounds very neat and interesting. Being a floater is best.

I was a bum like Jane. My pals and I were more into being silly and clever (silver).

For the most part I hung out with my sisi and her firends (older and cooler), and we were a mixed group (black white gay straight). When they graduated I hung out with the hot kids who listened to The Cure (one of my favorite bands of all bloody time). And I'm black. Hee Hee.

If u want to laugh at some interesting pistures, check out my friends Kiefer's my space and go straight to the pics.


Srenna|Anners said...

For fun, count vp all my typHos in that prior comment.


Srenna|Anners said...

Another typHo!

Here's the correct address:


I'm stooooopid.

Mala said...

i no smart and i has no talents.
i can walk and chew gum
i can hook a steak up (along with that other thing Biggie said)

just sayin'

NaimaEfuru said...

Oh shit Anners! I think I luve Keifer! (and not D's Keifer either) can v tell him that the star fucker and gay octopus pics are my favs!

And Mala, you consistently make soda/tea/wine-in-a-can come out of my nose! If thats not a talent I don't know what is! Dont ever let me hear you talkin bad bout you again, you hear!?

Srenna|Anners said...

I will tell keifer.