
Every Lady Needs Pt. 3

  • A Replica Animal Muppet from Entertainment Earth - sorry just kidding! But the more I think about it, every lady needs something silly or childish. It'll keep you from taking yourself too seriously (By the by Entertainment Earth has replica stuff from 300 and Pirates of the Caribbean too!)
  • A Good Belt - thanks Lady Shay! I think my favorite belt is a thin silver one that was Mommy's looong before I was born. It doesn't hold up shit, but I always get compliments when I wear it. Plus it's one of the few great things of my Mom's that Hautechick didn't get to first.
  • A Classic Handbag - thanks Anners! She said it so well I'll just paste it...
I mean eschewing all trends and stuffs, we should all have like a good, sturdy, sophisticated bag to take to job interviews,weddings, inquests, court dates, etc.
  • Comfy Flats - thanks Janers. I always look for pairs that are supportive (I just read somewhere that flats with no support are just as bad as 4" heels! Fallen arches are not sessy!) and look good with skirts and pants.
  • A stash! - Mommy calls it Mad Money, you know that extra $20 you throw in the wallet just in case the date doesn't go as planned. But I think its important for all woman to have a stash of cash handy. Or even not handy, have that savings account that no one knows about. Get a CD in the amount of the next vacation you want to take. Have something for yourself...
  • A Way to Shock Them - have a huge tattoo, a Harley or a Ducati, be able to drive a stick, ride a horse bareback, have a black belt, know what a HEMI is, own a gun and know how to use it (Hey D!), just don't let them put you in a box!


Danae said...

I totes like the last one :)

BeautyinBaltimore said...

A stash!

The old heads told me about this one.

Srenna|Anners said...

These are all really good!

I need to invest in this stuff bigtime because I have like none of these things.

I live in jeans and Gap sweaters and flats and a stupid le sportsac with flowers and shit all over it.

* I got quoted!

PrettyBlack said...

Wow I thought you meant just clothes...before my baby was born I rode a ninja hubby and I loves the bikes he want's a Ducati 999 but since they are no longer in production he'll have to settle.

I bought him a Hayabusa for christmas a couple of years ago.

I've been married 8 years and have a golden one bank account that hubby just found out about.
Hell don't ask, don't tell.

af said...

shih i left my damn belt @ home today haha and im in between clothes sizes too!! haha

having a stash is important! i need to do that b/c i wanna take a vacay this summer, maybe save up a few dollas and hop a plane to puerto rico haha

oh and every woman (and man) needs good, sturdy sex toys!! my furst one was this jelly c-ring, the c-ring was cute and fun to play w/ buh the likkle vibrating part was crap haha!

Amazon said...

Stash and something to surprise em with, berry berry good.