
Tha Kid...
aka random facts about yours truly

I know I did this before, but here's some more miscellaneous shit about me.

I've taken Latin, french, Spanish, Italian, and Japanese and I can't speak any of them. I'm terrible at learning languages in school but I've managed to pick up some Turkish at work. Shout out to Constantinople.

I have a bunch of weird self taught talents/hobbies. I can knit - I taught myself sophomore year in college. I dip my own incense - I buy the sticks premade but blank (with out scent) and then dip them in my own oil blends. I do beadwork - I taught myself that about 7 years ago, can't remember why.

I do calligraphy. I learned from my art teacher in high school who recognized my love of art and lack of talent. It sometimes comes in handy at work, but since my printed handwriting is kinda anally neat, I usually don't have to do calligraphy. I have this thing about handwriting. Even though I type pretty fast, there is something inherently soothing to me about putting pen to paper. Sure it takes longer, but I like to look at each thing I write as a small piece of art even if it's not stylized.

I was born on Thanksgiving Day. My birthday is only on Thanksgiving every 7 years, but my mom and sister (and know my brother in law) always treat Thanksgiving as my official birthday. My mom always tells the story about how she knew and got up to do my sisters hair before she made my dad take her to the hospital. And how she asked him to bring her some food and she put her moms good turkey on some stale bread. Then my sister joshes me about how they thought I was supposed to be a boy. And my mom chimes in and says that it was just my dad that insisted I was going to be a boy and that she knew I had to be a girl with the booty she felt. And there's tons of food even though its usually just the four of us. My brother in law always falls asleep at the table. And my mom always says, "That's just what I wanted." when she finishes eating.

My daddy died on Christmas Day when I was 8. I miss him terribly but I've always known that he's with me. I always start to thinkin about him around this time of year. That's all I'm gonna say on it for now or I'll start cryin (some more...)

My Mom is my best friend. I made a promise to myself awhile ago that I would never hide what I do from my mother. Of course this came after I hid something from her and had to come to her for help. I was young and stupid and she told me so. I know some women who say that their Mama's Girls, and yet their mothers don't know what men they deal with, medical procedures, and what have you. I discuss everything with my mom. For the most part she doesn't need the gory details (I try and keep Leggs away from her, but she knows she exist) but she knows the basics. Plus we live together, so its hard to keep too much from her. I tell her not to snoop cause she'll probably end up finding out something that she doesn't want to know. But she pretty much respects that because she knows that she can ask me anything. We share a two family house, she has the three bedroom duplex and I share the one bedroom on the first floor with Duke. I wouldn't have been able to get the down payment together without her, and shes the Momma, so she gets the bigger space.

I have a weird fascination, almost obsession with dragons.

I've gotten two tattoos inked but only one is visible. I got the second one inked over the first one. The second one is a small dragon flying around the sun. I want another one (or two) but after the first mistake and so so attempt to cover it , I'm taking my time in picking a design.


Danae said...

Yay! This stuff is fun!

You gave a shout out to Constantinople. If you were a dude, I'd so marry you.

My grandpa died the week before Christmas a year to the day of being diagnosed with lung cancer. I'm so sorry for your loss, hun! Hugs to you!

I have a tattoo, too, but I want more. I just don't want to put up with the pain again :(

Srenna|Anners said...

You guys are so much more inaresting than books and TV.

* I did Calligraphy in Junior high! My teacher made me write up all the names of the kids on the Honor Roll for display in the school hallway (I added my name on the list ha ha), and also she made me write notes for other teachers.

* One time I delivered one to my English teacher, and he was all: "Oh, Mrs. Fisher and her beautiful Calligraphy." Ha Ha. I should have ratted her ass out.

* I'm so sorry to hear about your father. Maybe you should just go ahead and cry, Troublers. I'm the same way, I start to talk about my little brother and I stop because it's too painful still -- but you know what, why hold it in? You'll feel better. I'm prob telling u stuff u already know, so forgive me for that, but Geez, it's rough hearing when people are sad because they've lost someone when you've been through it yourself.

* Constantinople!

Srenna|Anners said...

There's a present for you on my bloggie.

af said...

i (used) to LOVE to do calligraphy! (too busy now haha)

i was like of course ur mum knows ur bussiness if ya'll liv together haha

in a future post u shude go into more detail about ur dad, i did a post about my dad and it really helped alot....

ive taken spanish and latin

Jonne Austin said...

"I have a weird fascination, almost obsession with dragons."
Are you and I related? LOL REAL TALK!! I know you're going to go see that movie right? I DAMNED sure am! What got you on to dragons? I think it was seeing all those chinese calendars my grandparents had in the house lol.

Girl if I can find this picture of this female knight with her own dragon I'll send it to you. BEST damned picture!

Janers said...

Wow that a bunch of interesting stuff. I didn't even know u could make ur own incense.

Sorry to hear about ur dad, I think Anners is right. We are able to cry for a reason - it helps us to deal with stuff. I always feel better after i cry.