
Pet Peeves

I haven't done this in awhile...

  • People who walk up or down the escalator then stop like 10 feet from the end and then ride off. KEEP WALKING ASSHOLE, there are people behind you! These folks must be genetically related to the tardos who get off the escalator and then stand there like the escalator landing is one of the magical places that expands to fit all that enter. I push those folk, and when the say "Excuse me!" all affronted and shit, I say, "You're excused." I also hate the people who don't "Hold your child, fold your stroller!" (at least thats what the PA system for NYC says) and the people who don't notice that the people who want to walk down are on the left and the standers are on the right. Then when you ask them to move to the other side they get all indignant like, "Why didn't you just walk down the stairs?!" because there are like 80 bagillion of them, and since we're on the why didn't you game, why didn't you stand on the other side like the rest of the standers.
  • This is kinda related to the escalators but deserves its own BULLET BULLET (sorry I like that Uncle Murda song) If more people would walk down the escalator instead of standing, I swear there wouldn't be such an obesity problem in the US. Move those large asses people!
  • Please please please put the lid down on the toilet. Not just the seat, the whole lid. Think about it, the flush is strong enough to suck your shit down ergo it must be strong enough to send millions of fecal germs into the air everytime you flush. Don't believe me? Fine, lay a piece of paper across the toilet then flush. NO WAIT, thats gross cause youll be standing there breathing in shit particles. Instead, put the lid down flush the toilet then take a piece of tp and wipe the inside of the lid. It's wet isn't it? Yeah, fuckin yuck! Even those low flow toilets splash water. You should see me in public restrooms that don't have lids. Hell you should see me in ones that do have lids, I'm just as paranoid. Flushing only when I'm ready to run out, sometimes holding my breath, sometimes with a piece of tp over my mouth and nose...


Danae said...

FIRST!!!!!! Hahaha casue like you said, u ain't no one til someone goes first on your blog

First Bullet Bullet (tee hee) Thank you!!!! Those people piss me off. Get out my way, I got places to go and things to do.

Lid DOWN, mofo's!!!!!! I thought I was the only person freaked out by invisible shit particles floating around the air. I try my damnedestnot to use public bathrooms. I have pottys I use whilst I'm on patrol, and it's only those pottys only. One is at the station, the other is at the 76 station, cause Colin is way cool and luvs me and I get to use the employee potty which is always pristine. I don't care how bad I have to go, I will not use another. I've held it for 8 hrs before, just cause I couldn't get to either of those places

PrettyBlack said...

I never thought of that...Hmmm.

I hope I don't have west nile shit virus!

Okay so you had a pet peeve before about wiping a toilet seat, well there is one exception to that, if I had gone into a restroom that already had piss on the seat I ain't wipin' it! Period. I refuse to wipe someone else' piss. That mofo would be soaking wet!

Okay my pet peeve. The other day I was in the grocery store and the checker is ringing the guy in front of me, sneezes in the PALM of her hand, then continues ringing up his pork chops and shit. Can you say nasty bitch?

S I politely gathered my 15 items or less and went to another register, people are looking at me like ummm your next what are you doing.

Has the nasty biatch ever heard of sneezing in the crux of your elbow?

And my rant is complete ;-)

af said...

good to keep the lid down haha

oh and yeah those escalatour people are annoying as hell....

Jonne Austin said...

I'm literally ill.......

Anonymous said...

dam I hate the idiots who just sorta stand there when they get off the escalater and u feel like ur trapped, my frind's finger got amputated on an escalator when she was a little girl so they freak me out.

I'm never going to be able to flush the toilet again without getting grossed out esp in a public toilet. I don't wanna touch the lid that lots of others have touched (before washing their hands) but I don't want to breathe in fecal germs either.

NaimaEfuru said...

listen I use tp to put the lid down, my foot to flush, I NEVAH sit down (8 years of squats in volleyball practice have paid off) sheet I use a papertowel to open the door on my way out. And most importantly, if its wet and I didn't see it get wet, or I dont know what its wet with I stay the hell away. My sisters favorite thing to do to freak me out is to touch my neck with wet hands. I go batshit