
Strange Ting Gwan

I don't know where the day went! Actually that is a flat out lie, my boss ate it! I swear sometimes that man drives me crazy (and if he has a blog, I'm sure he's on it right damn now writing the same thing bout me!) but he pays me (wellll) so I mostly forgive the little shit. Like the fact that I get paid every 4 weeks (13 times a year), it used to piss me off, but now I'm used to it. Just don't ask me for or to do shit during week 3. Hell I don't even mind his yelling. Sheeeeet, he starts yelling and throwing shit (he once put a hole in the wall!) and I give him the "I-know-your-little-ass-DID-NOT-fuckin-yell-at-me!" or "Are-u-out-ure-got-damned-mind?" look and he starts apologizing (once got a cashmere blanket as an apology - unfortunately I can't leave it out cause Duke has expensive taste has been know to make a bed outta my shit. He also thinks I don't know that he sleeps on my bed when I'm not home, the son of a bitch)

FUCK ME AND CALL ME A WHORE! - lightning just struck what appears to be Spanish Harlem. I love the huge window in my office, but I've been known to stare out of it for hours watching planes take off from LaGuardia, or storms roll in. SHIT! it struck again. Is it supposed to happen so quickly?!?!

Any whoooo, I was gonna continue complaining bout my boss, but shit is real out there and I have (CRAP! there went Randall's Island!) on flip flops. So later dudes! (lets hope my flip flops dont get washed away by rampaging sewer rapids) Have a great weekend and check out mi gente....

http://thebeatniks.blogspot.com/ Hey Slim!

http://noticias-chismes.blogspot.com/ Afro is hilarious

http://danae1.wordpress.com/ (she's working overtime, but leave her a message. Just don't say anything bad about Keifer, she'll cut you.)

http://malamag.com/mala/ MALA! gotta love someone with the same train issues as me!

http://blacksupermodel.blogspot.com/ Chic will always hold a special place in my heart as the first person to leave me a comment (scuse me while I dab my eyes...)

http://kateblogsworth.wordpress.com/ Cause a party aint a party without Jane and "Anners" Anna!

And I'm adding Pretty Black and her gorgeous family - http://prettyblackgold.blogspot.com/

If I forgot someone, eh, tough shit. Suck it up and leave your link in the comments section (I kid, I kid - I'm kinda sorta mightcould be fond of you all!)

Peace out Bitches!


af said...

haha u need to get in ur bosses ass shih. i dun play that shih! bosses need to be the nicest people in the office b/c usually they are the most outta the loop and dunno nothing about wuhs goin on (atleast in the office haha) i mean really how my boss gonna be there like 24 yrs and not know how to work the machines?? puhlease haha

PrettyBlack said...

Too funny...Thanks for the shout out...I already know the look you gave him. And I was lmao when I thought about it. When a sister or brother gets their scary on it tain't nothin nice!

Srenna|Anners said...

Hi Troubers, Thanks Troubers,
Have a good weekend Troubers!

NaimaEfuru said...

A Ha ha ha
Troubers signin out!

Danae said...

Thank you, dear, for the shout out. And yes, I'll cut a muthafukka if'n they talk shih about Kiefs.

Amazon said...

Aww Duke thinks he's slick.

Mala said...

i'm all late to the party but:
yaaay me be linked n shit!

you're the bestiest.
this rain messin with my fro.