
The Erection Connection

In one of my first post, I told you guys about a rat fight that I saw (if you haven't read it, it is under the June archives as Rat Fight) and I mentioned a man with an enormous erection. Well I wrote a song about it, like to hear it, here it go...

So as is my usual, I was late for work one morning. Now, there seems to be some glitch in the matrix in which even though I sometimes leave up to 20 minutes behind schedule, I still manage to get to work at the exact same time (10:35 am.) This was one of those mornings. I get to the C train station and it's just about empty and a train is pulling in to the station. The transit gods seemed to be smiling upon me, so I should have known that something crazy would happen.

I enter the first car through the first door and think to myself, "there are mostly women in this car." In fact there are only 3 men in the car and two of them are sitting at the other end of car. Then I think to myself, "why are all the women at this end of the car." Eh, no matter I sit down across from the one man at my end of the car, and my eyes proceed to pop out of my head.

Before I go on with the story, I think I should explain something about myself. I'm a crotch watcher. (If you don't know where this story is going by now, you just might be a nimrod) I can't help it! If a guy sits near me with his legs open, I have to look at his crotch. Doesn't matter if he's old, or ugly (I don't do dirty though.) Especially if the dude is wearing something like sweatpants.

Granted, his magic log (yes log, not stick) was not the first thing that I noticed. What I noticed was that all of the women, who for some reason seemed to be surrounding old dude, were staring at him. So I started looking too. Then I wondered if he was asleep, because he had his forehead resting in his hand. And then a subtle movement of his hand, drew my eyes in a southerly direction, and I watched him adjust himself. And what an adjustment! He wasn't playing with himself, more like he was trying to get comfortable. Because he was hard as a got damned rock and packin. And none of the women on the train could take their eyes off of him, er or rather it.

I've seen some pretty impressive thing-a-lings in my time, but this was, wow, I don't even know how to describe the gargantuan wang that was his member. I mean I once dated a guy who was seriously worried that he might hurt me. (oh, but did it hurt soooo good!) But as the ride went on I began to realize that he was embarrassed as all hell. I had to get off at the next express stop, otherwise I probably would have been staring and drooling all the way to Broadway Nassau. But I have a couple of theories about Master Wang.

(1) I think dude might have had a Viagra (or maybe Cialis since that seems to be marketed to black men) mishap. He was definitely uncomfortable and I think embarrassed. Cause he could have shook that thing at most of the women on the train and had himself a par-tay.

(2) Women are perverts - something I always knew about myself, but it's good to know I'm not the only one

(3) Going by the women on the train, apparently size does matter. Don't believe me, check this out



NaimaEfuru said...

Dont ask what happened to theories 1 and 2, I'm still trying to figure it out! grrrrr

NaimaEfuru said...

Ok so I fixed it so now only the "(1" is missing. I can live with that

matt williams said...

Love this story, makes me smile real big!

Amazon said...


af said...

haha shih i look @ dude's crotches too! and im sure they look @ mine. i remember riding the bus to work one summer and there was this black guy that wude sit across from me @ the back and stare at me and touch himself haha

shih i work w/ a dude that has to walk funny do to his HUGE package. it looks like it's the size of a coke can. he wore sweatpants one day and i sed to myself "he knows everybody is gonna look @ his crotch" haha

NaimaEfuru said...

sweat pants always get me in trouble!