
Good Googa Mooga

So, I've got a god brother. Actually I have several god brothers, a gaggle of god sister, a couple of god parents, a god daughter and a god son, but this story only pertains to my god brother from Cali. Him and his mom, one of my favorite people, moved out there when I was about 10 and I haven't seen him in at least 16 years. I see his mom just about every summer when she comes back to visit, but my god brother not so much. I mean it's not that I blame him. Even though his mom jokes that if it wasn't for me he wouldn't have been born (I was such a cool and gorgeous baby - or so she says. See why I love her...) but it's not like we are close.

I reached out after I saw his mom last summer, and by reach out I mean I called his cell left a message and left it at that. But he travels alot , and I didn't really expect much, just wanted to let him know I'm here. (I always wanted a little brother.) Welllllllll, this Saturday I was hanging out with Hautechick and the Artist, stuffing my face with Ricotta, Amaretto Crunch and Hazelnut Gelato (mmmmmmmm, gelato ) when my mom calls. My god brother and his mom are on their way over. To be honest the only reason that I went home, was that the restaurant we were at wasn't going to be serving dinner for another 20 minutes and as usual I was hoooongry. (Yes, I ate dessert before I ate dinner. Isn't that what being an adult is all about?!)

I get home, drop of my bag in my apartment, head upstairs to my moms, hug her friend, and had to pick my jaw up off the ground. All thoughts of having a little brother flew completely out the window, and so would my panties if his mother and my mother hadn't been standing there. Good gawd the boy is, is, is, oh man, I can't even pick a word. You choose; yummy, hot, delectable, scrumptious, virile, gorgeous, sexy, built, or kind of related to me?


af said...

haha dont u wish u wude hav contacted him erlier and not waited soo long? haha

Jonne Austin said...

This is a tough one. Real tough.

matt williams said...

YOu better not touch him!

Mala said...

stop playin, he ain't blood kin.
ya kids ain't finna have 2 heads.
y'all ain't even finna have kids.
we all grown.
i'm sure ya mama dem would understand:
he fine + you fine = y'all be fine.


Danae said...

Wow, um, very tough. Very very tough!

NaimaEfuru said...

his momma is supposed to be cooking me dinner at his house tomorrow...we'll see

Amazon said...

drop them panties girl!!! lmao. I don't know, if you guys grew up like brother and sister, then it might be a bit weird, but if you ain't blood...