
Snark Snark

(I love poor old Snarf...)

To All The Dumbass Mothers Out There:

If I see you standing on the sidewalk, while your kid's stroller is in the crosswalk, I will call you out! And if I can, I will get every person with an ounce of sense to join in. It's a freaking stroller, with a baby in it, not a Sherman Tank. And you know if someones car should hit the stroller you'd freak. So why give some bad driver the opportunity (or me the ammunition)?

Today's We Todd is brought to you by Midtown East. Where I saw a woman standing in the street with her stroller while on her cell phone. The light was no where near turning red and the car that she was so politely standing in front of was trying to pull out. "Uh are you trying to get your kid hit by a car?" "I'm on the phone" "Your also a dumbass, proceed." This little exchange caused a passerby to chime in, "She doesn't even realize that the car is trying to pull out, I guess the phone call is more important than the baby" and someone else to say "It's a damn shame, people now adays ain't got no damned sense." (And by the way, we were all safe on the sidewalk)

I'm not going to blame it on the nanny's, because most of the time when I see this the kid usually looks something like the person pushing the stroller. And I see this all the time, in various locations throughout the city. Shit, if ACS wants to catch alot more bad parents, all they would have to do is set up shop on any moderately busy street corner and await the fools...


Jonne Austin said...

I think I might have cold cocked her ass. LOL@Sherman Tank. Some folk treat the kids like accessories and not human beings.

Danae said...

Slim said exactly what I was going to say :). I despise WE Todd parents

Danae said...

Ich bin ein schlechtes dünnes Weibchen

That's the answer to your question :)

NaimaEfuru said...

LOL, thanks Danae!

Danae said...

You are quite welcome, mi amiga :)

NaimaEfuru said...

I'm going to put that on a t-shirt!

Danae said...

LMAO! That's Hott!

Amazon said...

I found you off of Seattle Slim's blog, and I'm def luvin it. I'm def gonna haffa link ya.

NaimaEfuru said...

Thanks Lady Shay!

Mala said...

see. that's when dumb asses like me get in trouble for yanking peoples strollers out of the street.
do you know that shit happens and the bitches usually want to get loud with me.
which is always funny when i point out that they're leaving their child unattended and in danger, again - just to get their asses whipped.
s'damn shame.