
Crappy McSnark

Isn't this weather sucky? (its only going up to about 65 in NYC today) I'm sitting in my office in a wool blend short sleeve sweater, a cashmere cardigan, a pashmina, and my denim jacket because some numbskull in engineering thought it might be fun to have the office building be colder than it is outside.

I learned a couple of things this weekend....

(1) My mother is one of those people. It pains me in all conceivable ways but my mom is one of those people who will get on a fairly empty train and sit next to someone. Oh the horror! And since I was with her, I had to sit next to that poor lady too! At least I made her laugh when I said, "Oh no Ma, your one of those people that sits right on top of folk even though there is a completely empty bench right there!" Instead of asking all these nice people to move over, she could have moved the empty waterbottle we would have had a whole bench to ourselves. When I asked her why, she told me that it looked lonely over there. (My mother is slightly nutty. Wonderful, fantabulous, hilarious and nutty)

(2) Cabana Restaurant at South Street Seaport makes one hell of a Mojito! (And the food was great too!)

(3) Tourist are weird. What would possess someone to run out into the middle of the street so that they could film/take a picture of a fire truck? Cause let me tell you it was almost tourist roadkill heaven on Broadway this Saturday (the day of that 2 NYC Firefighters died fighting a fire in an abandoned building.) And isn't that kind of morbid? "Ooooo Ma, look someone could be dying! Lets run out into the street and tie up traffic so that I can slow down the truck and get a picture! And hey, if I don't slow em down, I might could make some cash exploiting what could be someones last moments!" "Great idea Pa! Want I should flash my hooters at em?"

(4) I'm pretty fucking anti-social, when the hell did that happen? Three times this weekend I passed on shit so I could stay home and sleep. And I don't regret it. Which leads me too...

(5) There is a reason why I stopped hanging out with certain people. And just because I don't remember the exact reason, it should not be discounted. Some people just fucking suck!


Danae said...

I agree. 110%. And I, too, often wonder when the hell I became so antisocial. Staying in seems much more appealing nowadays. Sigh

NaimaEfuru said...

And so much easier!

PrettyBlack said...

That's me...But I've figured it out; Once you mature you know what you will and will not tolerate, when you're younger you are still in the stages of figuring out who you will and will not tolerate.

And I'm so straightforward...Fuck 'em, if they don't like me...Good! One less person borrowing my shit! lol