
For Colored Girls Who Have Considered Murder When The Lysol Is Not Enough

or Bathroom Ettiquette An Open Letter to the Nasty Ass Skanks I Work With

(and white is a color so don't come at me wit no shit! tee hee, I said shit!)

Dear Nasty Bitches;

I understand that some of you lack the common sense that god gave lint, and that some of you may have been raised in barns, whorehouses, or left to fend for yourself in the woods. So instead of lambasting you dumb broads, I will give you some hints and tips that will help you to avoid being "the stinky nasty woman that that cute little black woman muderized."

(1) There are no maids here, and I can't begin to understand why you might think there might be since you were raised in a whorehouse. And seriously, if there were maids, do you really think that they would enjoy wiping your piss off the toilet seats, flushing them bitches for you, and picking your paper towels up from in front of the garbage can? (Seriously, is your depth perception that off that you can't get the shit IN TOO the fucking can? Sheesh)

(2) Stop taking Alli! Maybe if you got off your ass and actually walked around and did something besides talk on the phone and stuff you piehole, you wouldn't need that crap. But noooo, its french fries and diet cokes. And to make up for you laziness you take that crap and subject us all to your, well, your crap! Everybody takes shits, and everybodies stinks, but do I really have to smell your ass every got damned hour on the f-ing hour!?! Get a treadmill crapcakes!

(3) And while I'm on the subject of crapping, did I mention it stinks? So, sitting in the first stall by the door may not be in your best interest, especially when you might have clients waiting in the reception area. Oh, and sitting in middle stalls sucks for us all too. I'm hereby creating a new rule, pooping only in the stall furthest from the door, and if it is occupied, you'll just have to hold it.

(4) Matches and Witch Hazel - striking a match after a turd will greatly reduced the chances of me walking in while your pooping and saying something like, "What the hell crawled up somebodies ass and died?!" and wiping yourself with witch hazel will prevent me from saying something along the lines of "Gawd, I can't believe someone would fuck that stinky cooter!"

Thank you,



af said...

o my muthafriggin gawd!! them gyals seem grimey as hek!!

luckily i work @ a HUGE company so we got alot of bathrooms, buh they still stink!

people will take a poop and not flush, and i swear on my life, there's always pubic hair allover the urinals/toilets. omg those bathrooms make me soo sik.

i dun like people hitting on me/talkin to me while im pissing so i choose to use the single bathroom. haha

matt williams said...

"wiping yourself with witch hazel"

Do people really do this trouble?

matt williams said...

@ Afro - People probably get to running when you use that single bathroom because they figure that you are about to drop a load.

NaimaEfuru said...

@Chic, thats something my momma taught me when they started saying its bad to douche (TMI I know but hey) Its actually quite refreshing and it does stop the cooch from stinking (you can also put a little in your bathwater...)

PrettyBlack said...

Hilarious! You should have hit on the chics that don't wash their hands after using the facilities. Or, the ones that just wash the one hand they wiped with.

af said...

trouble is it tru that a likkle white vinegar and like a cup or so of warm water can act as a douche?

Srenna|Anners said...

Did Terrence Howard ask you to write this?

: )

Danae said...

Haha @ Anners.

And, Lawd, I feel your pain. I work with 150 officers, 148 of which are male, and dayme does the hallway in the station stink! If it doesn't smell like the guys are just pissing on the floor, it's the stank that can only be described as you said, "WTF crawled up ur ass and died". God, I hate that shit

Mala said...

"Gawd, I can't believe someone would fuck that stinky cooter!"

i am busting my brains trying to figure out how and when i will get a chance to throw this gem at someone.

the fucking

Jonne Austin said...

DAAAAAAAAAMN Trouble! Don't hurt them. When I read your post it was as if the smell started to creep on me. Yes I have been there.

NaimaEfuru said...

I forgot about the women that dont wash their hands!! I cant believe it!

B said...

LOL! You should print this and put a copy in everyone's mailslot.