
Does That Make Me Crazy?

So I'm Im-ing Hautechick and she sends me a message that says "buy this for my baby" with this link
and I find this

Cute right? But there are a couple of problems.
1. This got damned pram cost $3000!
2. My sister ain't got no kids! (she ain't even preggo)

Hautechick: um, baby loves luxury!
Trouble: yeah well baby is gonna have to learn how to be more practical, or at least be born


PrettyBlack said...


My daughter didn't even have a first birthday, and I love my baby with all of my being-number 2 next to God-but I'll be damned if I raise her as another Black consumer.

Money is too valuable. For her last two birthdays I asked people if they decided to give money make it out to her in form of a check.

It goes right into her wamoola fund for college at washington mutual. (pays great dividends) and their thank you card is a copy of the deposit slip...

And people must remember celebrities get that shit for their babies because it's comped, they pay for NOTHING!

My rant is complete ;-)

Srenna|Anners said...

Your sister sounds like a funny slag, Troublers.

You're right, PBs: all those slags get this stuff for frees and we proletariats have to bust our asses.


NaimaEfuru said...

100 points to Anners for using the word proletariat!

NaimaEfuru said...

and 100 more for her sexy avatar!


Srenna|Anners said...


af said...

that diamond studded pacifier i saw a few months bak and that stroller make a woman wanna get preg jus for the gifts!