
The Couple...

The Couple That Plays Together... 
In March, my work hours officially changed from 9:30am - 7 pm to 10:30 am - 8 pm. (Now by officially I mean my boss asked me why I was always late and I something along the lines of why am I always here til almost 8. We fuss at each other but I think my boss is great. Its a very give and take relationship. He gives me access to all the information he receives and always takes time to answer my questions, even if I'm just being curious. And in turn I provide him with hours upon hours of comic relief by tripping, stuttering, messing with telemarketers (he hates telemarketers), giggling for no apparent reason and most importantly ignoring him when he starts yelling like a loon. And by 8, I mean 8:15 or later cause as soon as I say, "Do you need anything before I go?" he thinks of something that I absolutely must do before I go home or the world will end.) But before my hours changed I used to see this nice looking black man on the train all the time. He'd get on the train a couple of stops after me and transfered when I did, so he would be on the train with me for just about my entire commute. At first, Dude would give me the "Hey Respectable Black Person" nod (not to be confused with the "What Up My Niggro" nod), but at some point it changed into the "Hey you sexy caramel thang" grin. Dude was alright in the face and kinda on the short side, but his style was definitely on point. So while I wasn't jumpin on him, I would give him the patented Leggs Diamond "Thank you, Ain't I A Bad Bitch?" smirk. This went on for months, then one day he gets on the train with a woman. I'm not jealous, in fact I thought that they made a really nice looking couple (ya know how some people are just alright by themselves, but put them with their significant other and all of a sudden it's like they just glow? Something about being in love (or lust) just makes them sooo much more...) But then he whispers something in her ear and she turns around to look at me and then smiles. Now sometimes I'm a little slow, so my first thought was that he told her that I flirt with him and she's giving me the "Yeah he's cute, thanks for the compliment, but he's mine" smile. But there was a little heat to it. Confused, I just flashed some teeth and went back to reading my book. A couple of weeks go by and I continue to see them on the train. Quite often they would sit across from me and not quite stare (I'd look up and they'd be in the process of looking away.) So now I'm getting kinda paranoid, is something hanging out of my nose, did I miss a button, fart and not realize it cause my headphones are on? A sniff, quick wipe and a peek down prove it's none of those things, so I go back to my book. Then one day, Dudette gets on the train by herself and since there is an empty seat next to me she settles in. Now by settle in, I mean this bitch practically cuddles up to me. I slide over to give her some room, and she slides over too. I look at her and she smiles at me! Huh? The next time I see them both, something similar occurs except this time Dude is sitting in between me and Dudette. She's cuddling into him and he's moving over and cuddling into me. And that's when I figured out, THEY'RE FREAKS! Not that freaks are bad, but if I'm getting turned out it's gonna be by Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie (or some other equally hot couple.) And I don't know what to do, so I try and ignore it. Then my hours changed and I stopped seeing them. That is until last week, when I saw them on my way home. They sat across from me and grinned at me, whispering. And why the fuck did I blush like a virgin?!
Well if I was a little lighter I might have blushed, as it is my face just got really really hot!


Srenna|Anners said...

One of us. One of us. One of us.

swag_ambassador said...

was it will and jada?? ;)

matt williams said...

Go ahead girl, don't let me catch you on Oprah behind those two.

PrettyBlack said...

Why did I know when you said she initially smiled at you...

I knew it!

We have some friends that are swingers, I don't get it, but if it works for them...

But now I wouldn't mind being the black forest ham in a my hubby and Morris Chestnut sammich!

Amazon said...

Damn girl, you need to take taxi's or something, too much freaky ass shit goin on:)