

Bear with me, I'm in a crappy mood today. And not one of those moods that makes for great snarky postings either. First, I leave the house to find some dumbass sanitation worker has ticketed me for some shit in the street (The sidewalks (including areas like tree pits, grass strips, etc.) and gutter areas (18 inches from the curb into the street) along the building perimeter must be kept clean - from the digest of Sanitation Codes) - uh excuse me isn't cleaning the street the Sanitation Department's job? 100 fucking dollars! Shit is up and down the street because this asshat decided to drive without a license. She hit another car (in which someone was injured - hope she's alright) and then played pong off the parked cars on my block. She managed to total 2 cars on the block. And with those two cars still sitting on the block, the big ass skid marks going everywhere, and pieces of tail lights and bumpers this dumbass tickets my house (and only one other)! Of course I'm going to fight it (hence me having a copy of the Sanitation Codes). But then I get to work and find out that I have to take two days off to settle this stupid lawsuit from a car accident that I was in 2 years ago (I was a passenger). I am more than happy to let this shit go, but the crappy lawyer that I have wants to try and get more money. So that means I have to use two of my personal days to deal with this shit. Something I so do not want to do.

And I wrote a whole rant about the one black guy that my company currently has working for us but I hate to put my deluded brothers on blast. Eh, who am I kidding. You pathetic asshat, I don't want your ass. YOU ARE A JOKE! A freaking novelty, that they will eventually get tired of and toss. Keep thinking your special and you can talk down to the black girl. See how many checks get mailed to the wrong address (you know, the one you put down my mistake and then asked me to fix for you?) I give you 7 months then your back to slinging ass you whore!

And I heard this dumb ass broker tell her Colombian assistant that Puerto Rico was a third world country. Can't wait to see what she has to say about Colombia (I think she thinks her assistant is Italian!)


af said...

damn i'd fight that ticket even if it cost me $50 in gas to drive to the court house haha cities always think they can bully their residents nigga please!

yeah companies think that if they get 2 blk employees they'll play nice and put on a coonshow together haha just like not every white people doesnt like every other person, it's the same w/ every races haha

shih and to date ive help to get 4 people fired that i didnt like! u dont fuk w/ the jamaican sensation!

omg some people are soo stupid!! my frin from the congo was brought here by a white church group and they ask him the most randomoist shih "do u all walk around naked and eat live animals?" "hav u ever killed a person and kept their skulls" omg they ask himt he most random shih

and puerto rico is a friggin u.s. territory, and they get huge revenue from tourism!

Mala said...

that's it.
i'm coming to brooklyn and making you my new bestiest friend. Ms. Whore needs to move to N.Y. and then it would be a veritable smorgasbord of getting up in peoples asses...

sanitation ticketed my moms 45 minutes before she was 'posed to move the car. i hope the guy that had to deal with her is still enjoying his new asshole.

as for these fuckers at work, this one fat white trader got onemogin to make some comment about my ethnic sexiness before i tear into his ass like a flenser.


Jonne Austin said...

Get 'em girl! See you're squared away having your codes and stuff. But can I just add one thing and I hate to laugh but....

LOL @ asshat!! I love that!

NaimaEfuru said...

I love you guys!