
Uh yeah, about that

it seems rather quick, but I'm having second thoughts about Big Mr. Bad.

So yesterday, out of nowhere, he starts talking about how many bills he has to pay, then proceeds to give me an itemized breakdown.  My suspicious mind jumped right to the conclusion that this lil summabitch is hinting for me to help him out with his bills.  Well, I'm hard of hinting and I don't give money to men (cause I don't ask for money from men!) 

And then I was online checking out the new condos at One Hanson Place (remember the picture that I posted of the clocktower in Brooklyn? well that is One Hanson Place) and I start talking about housing prices.  "You're buying another house?  I really want to buy a house."  Yeah well you might want to take care of that college loan that you were just telling me about.  No! I'm not buying another house, but I love real estate so I am always going to check housing prices and see whats on the market.  He couldn't seem to understand why I was checking prices if I wasn't going to buy and that kinda bothered me.  (What?, I'm a picky fussy bitch! but I never pretend to be anything else)

And then he was telling me about how he missed my call yesterday morning cause he was in church.  But then I asked him what church he went to (just curious) and he starts hemmin and hawing.  No need to hurt yourself boo-boo, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to.  It really isn't that serious, but I hope for the salvation of your soul you weren't lying about church!  (I may not be into organized religion but you don't lie about church!  thats just wrong!!)

So, I'm still taking his phone calls, but I will be watching my wallet.  I refuse to settle, but I'm not above him taking me out from time to time...


Anonymous said...

Oh damn, in NYC, I don't even want to guess what they cost.

Don't you evah open your pocketbook to no mothafucka, I will kill you.


PrettyBlack said...

You are going to end up with the perfect for you man when it's time to settle because you know what you want. More young ladies should be that way.

When hubby and I first started dating in (ya'll know in '89) I knew he was with the bitch I went to school with, she used to wear his football jersey around school, (he went to a private school, we went public) I knew what he was all about, we kept it real.

He didn't tell me he loved me until 1995...seriously he never said I love you until 6 years after we were seeing each other. We started off on the right foot, and if the shit ain't right from the giddy it ain't neva gon' be!

But if he's fuckable...you ain't gotta marry him to pull leggs out the closet!

Danae said...

Yes, Leggs is an awesome little wench. I just wanted to say that.

matt williams said...

some of yall need to fall back talking bout Chavez, cause you know if it wasn’t for his ass DONATING oil to lower income US residents, yall wouldn’t have no heat

LOL at you over at Bossip for that one.

*Goes back to read post*

NaimaEfuru said...

HA! luv ya Chic! Happy New Year!

TravelDiva said...

LOL. Hinting at borrowing money and lying about attending church....Not a good look Big Mr. Bad. Not a good look.

Amazon said...

well damn, I guess we kinda figured SOMETHING ugly was gonna come out eventually. The way of dudes. sux.

NaimaEfuru said...

Hey TravelDiva!

Anonymous said...

Thank god ur not one of those women that hands money over to guys they're dating. I would never borrow money from someone unless it was a close relative so u gotta know anyone that would ask for cash without being real close to u has got to be a suss character.