
What set me off...

you might want to take a look at the definition of defamation.  and by the by it would be comprehends, not has comprehension.

Listen Trouble.  You said that it was 'one-sided' ...I will repost everything, because I clipped it.  Think for two seconds that neither of us had colour.  I apologized to Pretty on her blog for my behalf and if this has turned into a laughing matter between all of you, that is fine.
Trouble, it was not your place to get in our argument.
As for visiting blogs, I came to yours constantly, and left comments.  You only came to mine recently and then you have been acting like I am a leper.  I don't care.
And from what I just read that Anners posted, it looks like a bunch of you are talking smack about me (how mature!). You have my email.  Write me.  Or post it on your blog.  I read it.  Do not speak of me as if I don't exist.  I have never seen anyone turn their attitude as quickly as you, Trouble, and I really thought highly of you at one point.
If PB don't want to come back, not many of us knew her anyways.  She never made it a point to come to my blog and still never could answer the 'loopy' question. Look back and tell me one reference to my medications making me loopy.  Try not to be so one-sided yourself, Trouble.
I don't even have a problem with PB because I never knew her.  I didn't get a chance to meet her...but you...I can't believe your ways.  But it's the internet.
Maybe Anners, in some small way, is playing you, but in a mature way, and let's pretend I am PB.
Don't worry, when I am done with the CSS here, I am going to start on my blog and if you like I will send you an invite to see how I really, really, really feel.

This comment was posted on TypHo Boulevard prior to the posts below.  Of course you can no longer find it on there because someone erased it.  Anyone else remember the Pink Elephant post?


Anonymous said...

I hate to get involved and prolong this mess but I feel like i need to say something:

troubs, this needs to stop. Bring back all the entertaining stories about ur life - the life that we all envy and admire. This blog has become the 'we hate Harlequin club' - it's not high school style anymore it's primary school.

This fight is pointless and both sides are getting way too nasty. Harlers likes to sound off and doesn't like to back down but u know this has gotta be hurtful right? It almost feels like your baiting her.

Amazon said...

Trouble is just stating how she feels about the chick. I'm sure her regularly scheduled program will resume shortly. But when shit needs to be put in the light, then that's what needs to happen. I think Trouble is just making her point. It's not high school or primary, it's a real bitch calling out a fake one. Sorry if that's your "friend" but who gives a fuck if her feelings are hurt, well who besides you. These were her own words, so she shouldn't give a damn that they're posted right?

PrettyBlack said...

Okay I'll end it...This whole fiasco started with basically me PRETTYmufuckn' Black makin a JOKE!
A joke people. It was obvious Harlequin, and Anners didn't care for my tone of conversation. So cool, before it got anymore drama filled, I left. I LEFT. Trouble felt like how it went down was wrong. Because it was. Everyone told jokes, but I was condemned for mine.

If you all didn't sniff me out by now let me remind you ALL who the FUCK I am...I'm THAT BITCH...the one that doesn't give a fuck...I don't give a fuck what a bunch of bitches or 1 crazy bitch thinks about me. Ya dig? Never have never will. My life is fabulous it extends way outside of cyberspace...While all of you HO'S...yes I said HO's are running around catching feelings for some crazy bitch that has all of ya'll fooled I think it's a game.

As for Trouble, she didn't keep a MUFUCKN" thing going, that bitch brought it and she got it back. PERIOD. If the truth hurts tell that bitch to take one of her pills and move the fuck on.

You broads KNOW which ones I'm talkin' about...If you didn't like me FINE bitches...But to condemn Trouble for being loyal...You ho's are a trip. Stay the fuck off of her sight then bitches. Okay. It's over. She's not on your guys' sight saying a muthafuckn' thing, but you bitches are defiling her sight with this bullshit. Leave her the fuck alone for real.

If ya'll want to associate with a sociopathic, voodoo priestess, junkie... yeah bitches I said it and? Then so be it.

You bitches act like you all are the best of friends...You are not...Ya'll are just a bunch of chicks who met up on line and have commonalities and I've been in this world long enough to see your guys bullshit.

So with that leave Trouble the FUCK alone...she can say whatever the fuck she chooses on her shit. Don't like it bitches? Don't read it!

Don said...

Y'all better leave prettyblack alone. You see she don't get it. I agree, Trouble was only being loyal, just as PB would.

On the real, I think she (jezebel) has gotten the picture. Seems like she has.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i wish i did, it makes me want to read about the pink elephant now...if u can, chk out my post about the King THANK WE FREE

Anonymous said...

This is sad. Smart people acting dumb. Janers is right.

Trouble I told you I'd stay away from your page for a while but I had to see what was going on.

No hard feelings.

Cheers and Well-Wishes to all.

Anonymous said...

What upset me is that troub posts comments written by someone else as posts without that person's permission. Then u guys all starting making fun of her personal life and previous posts from her blog. I felt this was way out of line.

Prettyblack is troubs friend and good on her for sticking by her and defending her but the last 5 posts have not been in defence they have been in attack on someone.

NaimaEfuru said...

Janers, I only attacked Harlequin after she made this comments, which she also quickly erased. I did three post , one in response to the question that she asked me in this comment - where did she say anything loopy, I showed her thinking that her own words thrown in her face might make her leave the issue alone. No such luck. She comes back calling me names, something I've never done. So I posted some of the insulting things that she said about me and I'm wrong for posting her words? I dont think so. I think you're cool Janers, and I'm not going to say anything to you for defending your friend, I just can't figure out why you would think I was wrong for doing the same?