
My perfect job...

  1. Voicing a character on the Muppets!  But since the Muppet Show is no longer on the air, I may have to settle for...
  2. Voicing a character on Sesame Street!  le Sigh, if only Savion was still on there.
  3. Being the person at the porno shoot that tells them, "Ewwww, are you fucking kidding me, that dude is gross!"  and "Can't we cover up the scar from her cheap breast implantation surgery?"  and "Sweetie, take 15 minutes and go get that finger nail fixed." and don't forget my favorite, "Cut!  Her tracks are showing!"
  4. Running the TypHo estates in the Caribbean.  I call dibs!
  5. Shopping.  
  6. Being Lewis Hamilton's favorite midnight snack (in a lascivious not cannibalistic way)
  7. Being Savion Glover's blunt roller
  8. Being Gerard Butlers fluffer
  9. Restoring old homes...
Hey, if you believe, you can achieve!  Right?  But just in case I'm pretty sure that I'm going back to school to become an interiors architect...


Aud Rey said...

Gerard Butler's midnight snack seems like a hotter career aspiration.


Anonymous said...

"Her tracks are showing" <-----hahahahha.

Yay! Dumb Rexy is baaaack.

Anonymous said...

Yay! I missed you!

Um, sweetie, I'm already Gerry's ho, so you best step, got it?

I'll be back by later to read the rest!

Amazon said...

LMAO. Me and you can be partners, I'll be the tree chopper and you be the blizz roller:)

And it's not fair that you called dibs on the Caribbean Estate. I call dibs on the Estate in the Isles of Greece, take that!

You should be a personal shopper. Fuck that, you should find you a famous person to be a slave to.

af said...

*shay is a crazy woman haha!!
*welcum bak mami!
*#3 sounds like a semi-hip, old grandmother
*i say we shude hav estates in europe too!

PrettyBlack said...

My perfect job:

Silly bitch slapper.

30 dollars an hour plus tips.

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...


I should have done music montages. Or been the person that gives ideas and has other people do the idea. I'm good at ideas, just not doing the deed.