

I SLAMMED MY POINTER FINGER IN A FUCKING CAR DOOR!  And I was drunk enough that I didn't really feel it.  But it was gross looking.  So I cleaned it and slapped a bandaid on it.  I don't know, I've always had a thing for bandaids.  When I was little I used to sneak them out of the medicine cabinet and put them on myself.  In the morning, I used to take the off before Mommy or Daddy found them.  But of course they always did when the changed my sheets.  Anyway now my finger is starting to throb.  And its my right finger too!  I need that finger!  And that means I won't be able to change my polish for a while cause the gash is right under my nail.  At least it's good polish, Chanel.  I don't care what anyone says, that shit is worth the money.  Goes on smoother, dries a lil quicker, last a lil longer.  If you can afford it try it.  Shit, I got distracted!  What the fuck was this lil rant about again?  Oh yes, my fucking pointer finger and how I fucked it up.  I deserve some chocolate for my pain....


Anonymous said...


I've never had my finger closed in a car door but I can emphathize...

Anonymous said...

Ouch! poor troubs that sounds agonising.

I loved bandaids when I was little and would always want one for jus a scratch. Once I whined and whined coz mummy wouldn't give me one and she threw the box at the floor near me. Shocked I sat there crying for a while and then got bored, noticed the bandaids and deciding to put one across my shin - I then covered my entire shin. They hurt to take off.

jentheobscure said...

Owww... I have had that happen, hurts like hell, ever get your hand caught in the window? That used to happen to me a lot when I was a kid.

And I used to do that with the band-aids too.

NaimaEfuru said...

I always get pinched by the window when I'm closing it

af said...

DAMN!!! shay pulled out all her lashes awhile bak, u fukin up ur finger. wtf is goin on w/ the typhos?

i'm sorry to hear about that, i've dropped a laptop, a can of spinach on my toe before. both hurt like hell, buh i think the idea of what happened was worse than the actual pain.

u dun go get ur nails did? thats all the girls around here do!! bitches can't buy school books, buh they're quick to run to "mama sue's nailshack and rib emporium"* for a quick "fill in" set?

*im jus jokin, the nail salons are clean and nice around here (all be it filled w/ fumes and shih)

my nails grow really fast, so i hav to cut them like twice a wk. i dont do my nails though. too gay for me! (though i hav been toying w/ the idea of a clear coat of polish) haha