
wha tha heezy?!

I don't know what happened to the pretty pic.

I fell into Excel Hell yesterday and I'm still trying to claw my way out of that bitch, bear with me.

Speaking of Excel Hell, BossMan had me create this spreadsheet that labels items 1a, 2a, 3a, etc. The letter range from a to h and the numbers from 1 to 22, arranged by letter than number (all the a's then all the b's, c's, etc.) I give the sheet to BossMan and hes like, this is great but can I see it arranged by number than letter also? (all the 1's then 2's then 3's) I say fine, give me a minute to rearrange it. Exactly 60 seconds later, this artless fen-sucked clotpole (see below) is bellowing for me. ITS AN EXPRESSIONS! damn, give me a little more time.

Have you heard of Ron Mueck? He's a pretty fucking cool artist that makes giant babies, among other things...

Thou yeasty rump fed maltworm! Thou churlish earth vexing canker-blossom! Thou loggerheaded knotty pated skainsmate! Wanna learn how to insult someone like Shakespeare? Go here thou gleeking dismal dreaming bugbear! I think my new favorite insult is gonna be "thou pribbling beefwitted giglet!"

I know All Hallow's Eve has come and gone, but if you want a Christopher Walken mask (him on SNL was one of the funniest things they've done besides Dick in a Box, or Lazy Sunday) you can get your very own right chere!

So this morning I decided to wear my red dolman sleeve sweater and a black wool pencil skirt. I'm looking for tights when I remember that I just got a new pair of black sweater tights last weekend. Pop open them bitches, throw on some boots and makeup and I'm out. I'm walking up the block to the train station and look down, errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrk! them bitches are navy blue, back to the house I go! So you know I was late right?

The Receptionist (formerly known as Crapcakes) and I have banded together to defeat the evil Bambi. Snarkyness will prevail over stoopidity! And Office Manager is on it. She can't stand that churlish boil brained giglet either.

I'm really excited that they made The Golden Compass into a movie, I love those books and sooooo hope it doesn't blow chunks...

This fucking knot in my neck....


Amazon said...

Trouble is back:)

Anonymous said...

Churlish was always my favorite descriptor.

Danae said...

"Churlish boil brained giglet." Brilliant. Effing brilliant

PrettyBlack said...

Okay so you know (no lie) walmart has the BEST tights in all different colors. When winter comes around I go cable tights crazy! They have fishnet tights, stocking tights, tights with diamond shapes all over, red, blue green, gray, you name it they've got 'em.

and they are only like 4 dollars and some change for a pair you can go in there with thirty bucks and stock up!

as for giglett, and loggerhead...did I say that shit right? I think I'll stick to bitch and ho it conveys my point better ;-)

Anonymous said...

I hate Excel.