
"So Did You Find Anymore Potatoes?"

Trouble: "What the hell are you talking about Mommy?"
Mommy: "In the bed, did you find anymore potatoes in the bed."

Needless to say soon after this lil convo, I developed a case of the giggles and got kicked out of Mommy's room for getting silly when I'm sleepy. Here's some randomness

- I had to go into the office today even though I'm still on vacation.  I've been taking care of some personal bidness and realized that the only official copy of my college transcript was at work.  So I called Recept from downstairs, thinking that BossMan might be in a meeting.  No such luck, he's in his office, so she suggest I sneak in the back way.  I do and run into Hottie and the NewGuy but I Jedi mind tricked them ("I wasn't here.  You never saw me.  This is all a figment of your imagination.  Hold this for me til I get back.") and got confused looks from Buzz.  He's a older gentleman and I hate to confuse him so I explained I had to pick something up.  Get to my office and Giraffe is in BossMan's office distracting him.  I'm so worried about BossMan hearing me that I don't notice that BossManLite has snuck up behind me! "Ah Trouble I was looking for you..."  Crap!  Luckily BossManLite isn't very demanding and just needed a phone number.  I've got my transcript in hand and I'm packing up my deliveries (more on that later) put my coat on turn to leave and run right into BossMan.  "What are you doing here?! Are you nuts?"  Apparently...

-I've come to realize that the thought of giving birth scares the bejezzus out of me!  I mean SS ending up in a coma really helped to bring that home for me.  But I mean I  freak out thinking about it now, I'm not sure I'll be able to do it.  If I see a birth on tv and something goes wrong, I end up curled into a ball with my fingers in my ears.  I can't bear it!  Lucky for me its not like I'm actually having sex or anything that might result in a baby...

-So I want to go back to school, but I dont know for what.  I dont need an advanced degree for what I'm doing now, so it would basically be for whatever I decided to do when I no longer want to work for BossMan.   I doubt it will be Real Estate since I've been spoiled and can suffer nothing less than true Indiana Limestone and Italian Marble.  Annnnnd since I can't afford that shit its pretty much out of the question.  Besides have you guys been paying attention to the shitstorm that is the housing market these days?  The only thing that doesn't seem to be effected is the luxury market, but even those properties are staying on the market longer than expected.  Real Estate is still one of the most stable investments in my opinion though, specially if you have a property that can generate income...

- I can't drink coffee, it gives me the hypers and a really bad stomach ache.  So I drink alot of tea.  I think one of my favorites is Earl Grey with half and half .  I'm drinking some right now...

- I have a really sensitive nose, specially for baked goods.  I think it might have to do with the fact that my Mom used to bake cakes and the like to make cash when I was a wee one.  So I spent alot of time sitting in the kitchen while she baked.  Its to the point now that I can tell when something she baked is done by smell alone.  It kinda freaks her out when I walk into the her house talkinbout, "I think the cakes done" right before the timer rings.  I'm eating some of her cream cheese icing right now...

-I joined Bag Borrow or Steal and borrowed three bags, two Botkier and a Coach bag.  Its really quite funny since I just got my postcard in the mail for the 25% preferred customer event thats coming up.  I spend way too much money on Coach stuff, but I've never had a problem with any of their leather goods.  Botkier uses some really nice leather too.  I own a Botkier Bombay Satchel that I don't carry enough but I love cause it has this bitchin leather flogger attached to it.  I also love that bag cause I got it for like half off from the Saks website.  Or it might have been Neiman...

-I'm getting rid of some clothes.  So if any of the Typhos are a size 0, 1 or 2 (don't I just make you sick?) you can have first dibs, you pay for shipping though....


Anonymous said...

* I'm afraid to have a baby too. I'm squeamish as hell and I fainted when my nephew was born (the smell of blood does that to me). I'm sorry I just shared that w/you!

* Earl Grey Tea with cream is yummy. So is black tea with honey and milk -- very very yummy!!!!

* That's kinda creepy, Trubs! I mean with the baking stuff. I'm kinda like that too, though. I'm a baker, not a cook... and that's one of the reasons why I am unable to benefit from your closet-cleaning.

* You want to go back to school?! That's great, Trubs! Do Ancient Roman History (like me). Hee Hee!

Danae said...

Size Zero? I do hate you. I will never be below a four. I have too much ass and thigh.

I want to get a degree, too, and I too have no idear in what. I was thinking about creative writing or something? I dunno

Coffee makes me ill

A baby exiting me makes me scared, too

af said...

potatoe in the bed!? wuh the heck haha. weirdest thing i ever had in bed was..well..umm that mai thai fighting team, naw JK JK an empty yogurt cup haha!

omg! why wude u hav ur transcript @ work!? if it was locked in ur office, u cude hav let that shih sit over the weekend, or snuk up in the mid. of the nite hehe!

adopt u some kids trub!

go bak to school trubs! its fun! the boys are cute, the girls are slutty and the teachers are fags/dykes! unlimited material fi ur blog!

my bro brought home a baker's dozen of bagels from work w/ sun dried tomato cream cheese, honey walnut cream cheese, and a bunch of other bagels/flavours of cream cheese! haha i shude hav stayed away from them! my aunt bakes on the side. i remember being yung and her making dozens and dozens of rolls and pies and shih

trubs can u fix me some chicken noodle soup and give me some vicks vapo rub? b/c u make me sick!! hott handbags, life in ny, size 0,1,2 clothing!?

Amazon said...

So yeah you make me very sick with your sizes. I think I was a size zero when I was 6 years old, lol.

I hope that bag borrow and steal works out, so you can be fly 24/7:)

Anonymous said...

-Potatoes in bed...I ain't even gonna ask. I had a friend done stuck a McDonald's French Fry in her damned ear once and the salt gave her a bloody ear.

-I don't think I want or can birth a baby. If I get a child, I may adopt a child of about 5-8, high IQ, and must look like the little gal from Bridge to Teribithia. Has tooooooo.

-I'm going back to school too! My transcripts I am still waiting for but three years of them are pretty much null and void anyways.

-I am drinking coffee right now and it's 12:34 am and I won't stop until I go to bed. You drink your tea as the British; also countries influenced by the British, like India. However, if you were even born in Iran (even if you are Assyrian) it is an insult if you hand a mug of tea to someone. It must be in a special clear glass, we call them 'finjons'. They must see the colour.

-I have a deviated septum and psychosomatic smells.

-What is this borrow bag? I just got my Prada catalogue in and blah, not again.

-Clothes??? I can do 0 or 2 on expensive items, but most likely only 2 on pants. But I am about to injected with steroids...but people never believe I don't have a thyroid...

Harlequin is on Good Drugs.

Anonymous said...

I too am terrified of giving birth. I adore kids and always thought that one would make me happy but now I'm an adult I see mothers with their screaming kids in the shops who always seem to be on the verge of a breakdown (I noticed they are always one on the cheapest store rather than the nice ones too). You have to pretty much give up your whole life to take care of a kid and I think I just like living for myself. On top of this birth sounds scary and painful so maybe I won't have one after all. I wouldn't mind adopting but I know that's tricky these days.

Kids kinda make you poor and exhausted.

And I drink too much coffee. I need a decent sixed one with an extra expresso shot to do anything though. It's prob not healthy.