
The New Guys Getting Married

and I'm gonna be 30. My Mom was married with one kid and me on the way by the time she was 29, and my sister was at least married by then. Me? Shit I'll be happy if I can get my apartment clean before I turn 30...

One of the first things that people who haven't seen me in a while ask is, "So when are you getting married?" How about when I find someone that makes my toes curl and gives me that sinking stomach feeling when they kiss me? (Gawd I haven't had that sinking stomach feeling in soooooo long) How about when I get my shit in order cause I really feel like I have some more growing to do before I'm ready? How about when I find someone who brings something the table other than a penis and a smile? (And whoa! stop yourself before you take that jump. You know the one that leads to the wrong conclusion? Cause I would have no problem if dude makes less than me or is blue collar, but I want a helpmate, not just a mate. If I meet one more man who tries to get me to help him get his life in order while trying to pass off the lazy dick and spitting lame ass promises of future payouts, I will spit in his face! Seriously.) How about when I find a man that understands that this is my job, and I enjoy it and hell no I'm not sleeping with my boss? (do you know how many men have asked me that? Yes, I describe myself as an executive assistant, but thats just the simplest thing to say. But I do important shit! - well sometimes. And no, you probably dont know to many exec asst that work til 8:20 pm, but I do. So accept that shit, pay my salary- bet you can't afford me!, or step the fuck off) How about when all people in love can get married? (actually I stole that one from Angie and Brad but still) How bout when I meet a nice man with big hands and feet and a sweet smile and a warm heart and a silly sense of humor and eclectic taste and an adventurous spirit and is honest with himself and me?


af said...

soo true!

i say date, hav fun, be safe, and if u find a man cool, if u dont, who cares!? u dont even look 30!! maybe 25...

NaimaEfuru said...

awww youre the best Afro!

af said...

ill be on kollegeyears @ 8 if u and the other typhos wanna chat

Amazon said...

Gettin Church up in this bitch!

I have my daughter, and my 3 jobs, I'm good with that.

NaimaEfuru said...

Jamericano I was in the chat all by my lonesome, I'm heading home

and Lady Shay, if your daughter isn't adorable I dont know what is!

af said...

sorry trubs, i popd in for a min @ exactly 8, then got off to catch the season finale of "lincoln heights"
dun worry we'll all get on there sometime

Anonymous said...

Stay single. You have a good job and can actually afford living in NYC.

Marriage is a job you don't want. Men is stupid. On Tyra this week they are gonna talk about 7 things to do to keep your man. I'm going to do all of the opposite.

af said...

harlequin is right, tyra is a fool. on her show when she's interviewing someone she's always like "uh-huh, yeah" when they are talking which is soo disrespectful

men arent stupid, im a man!!
men are delish!

and harlequin do u hav a blog/site!?

NaimaEfuru said...

yes she does! Harlequin is great I need to put her link up, but til then you can find her through katesblogsworths links, HarlequinsGazette

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Anonymous said...

I knew nothing about the 8:00 chat. Sorry Afers. Trouble, you are so funny. Ha. When my mother was my age she already had... four kids!!!! I feel wetodded just thinking about stuff like that. I hate that marriage question. It's so rude!

You'll find the right dude when you isn't looking... You're brilliant and beautiful!

Ha ha at that Brad and Angie quote.

af said...

it's ok dun worry we'll be ont he same page @ the same time, one day...

anners, why dun u marry ur current bf!?

when my father was my age, he prob had like 3 jobs and was sending money home er week haha

Anonymous said...

Harlers commie was so hilarious

I'm totally freaked out by marriage. Is it normal to have one partner for the rest of your life, i mean is our species supposed to do that? I also think that marriage isn't really about love like some people think, most people still have that old fashioned view where it's about finding someone to clean up after you and raise the kids or bring home the bacon. If it was really about wanting to express your love then gay people would be allowed to get married too. In lots of developing countries people get married without even meeting first - its nothing to do with love, just survival i guess.

Well what I mean is, u don't need anyone to bring home the bacon and u definitley don't need to do anyone else's laundry. It's good to look for love but if you go looking for marriage you'll end up settling for a loser. Next time people ask u if ur getting married tell them u've turned gay and its illegal - they won't ask again.