
A boil on the butt of humanity!

So back in the day, Trouble used to do a lil modeling. Nothing at all prestigious, just some ghetto assed fashion shows for my cousin. My cousin Coco (she has a gorgeous African name, but she goes by Coco. this is also the same woman who got a boob job yet has about 12 teeth in her mouth and 9 of them are brown) and her bff (at the time) Bobby used to "design" clothes and I somehow got talked into walking for them. Most of the other girls that walked for them were high school kids. Wait, that doesn't do them right, fast assed (for the most part) high school girls who would have better been served with a textbook instead of a ninjarigged runway.

Don't get me wrong, some of those girls were sweethearts even if they were dumb as stumps. One of my favorites was TT. We used to have "practices" on Sunday at Coco and Bobby's. And by practice, I mean that I would be smoking and drinking all day, then stumble my ass on home. One such Sunday, we were all in the living room and TT is standing there scratching her ass. I'm all TT no one wants to see you scratching your ass girl, why don't you try cleaning it? And she says that she has a pimple on her butt and it hurts. Cousin T was there and she says, "TT that sounds like a boil not a pimple" and lord love her TT says, "Uh uh I don't do that!"

Needless to say, I fell the fuck out and so did Cousin T, and everyone else was looking at us like we were crazy. Which is usually how the night ends when Cousin T and I are together


PrettyBlack said...

this is also the same woman who got a boob job yet has about 12 teeth in her mouth and 9 of them are brown


You know what????

Nothin' man I'm dead!

af said...

ghetto fabulousness @ it's finest haha

there's one of those cuntry kitchen ass blk fashiont roops here in my city, their best walker is this 5'4 chubby woman, bitch can strut though...