
Oh and Hottie

cause he didn't get to eat, and he comes and says "Come on and eat, all the jerks are gone!" And cause he brought a picture of himself when he was 20 (in 1979!) and he was a hottie! Who knew!

and thank you to Snowball, even though he has terrible taste in music, he totally rocks.


PrettyBlack said...

Snowball was one of hammers back up dancers...

TGIF anyone and 1...

Danae said...

We have a guy at work I went to the academy with we lovingly call the drunk Nick Nolte cause he kinda sorta looks like Nick Nolte's DUI pic, but he's way cool. I tell this story cause he showed me a pic when he was in the Army Rangers at 19 in 1981 and he was a cutie too! Course, I told him that. Then I said, "Wow, I was 1 in 1981"