

Thanks for the kick in the ass Anners!  A lot happened this week..

*  I developed a new sleeping pattern where I fall asleep at 11:30 wake up at 1, fall asleep, wake up at 3, fall asleep and wake up at 6 at which point I either pee and fall back asleep or stare at the ceiling until its time to get up

*I went out with Bubba which was great.  But while I was waiting for him, I was hit on by a delivery guy and a homeless man, at the same time.  The homeless man was standing across from me in front of the restaurant that I was meeting Bubba at.  This woman walks up to look at the menu and the homeless guy gives her the side eye and says (I shit you not!) "Why you gotta be standing all close to me and shit!  Don't you see I'm crazy!  Stupid bitch" at which point I crack the fuck up.  Wrong thing to do, cause now the delivery guy who was sitting in the truck I was standing in front of decides to strike up a conversation, "You waiting for me to take you out to eat?"  Where are we going McDonalds?  So I'm politely ignoring him, which causes me to catch the homeless guys eye, "I had this lady, and she used to always ask me, how come you last so long, and I'd tell her, you just hold on baby, daddy's bout to come, and I'm gonna fill you up..."  Yeah rock and a hard place.  Luckily Bubba arrived not soon after and wanted to know why I had tears streaming down my face and couldn't catch my breath.

*I met Hautechick for what was supposed to be lunch, but we ended up in Club Monaco shopping for an outfit for the Artist.  Which made me realize that part of the reason that I miss having a man is cause I miss buying him clothes.  It was alot of fun helping Hautey dress the Artist though.  And I told her he would like a bow tie, she said no, then told him about my idea, and of course he loved it!

*I may be going to either Trinidad, Barbados, or Italy.  Not sure...

*I got lost in a mega Barnes and Nobles.  Usually I love the bookstore, but I couldn't find anything in this one, it was too big.  And there were people lying all over the floor.  Ok, I'm totally cool with people using the Barnes and Nobles as a library as long as they don't fuck up the books or LAY IN FRONT OF THE BOOKS!! Sure you may not want to buy something, but don't stop other people from buying stuff.   And they didn't have all of the new books out like they usually do.  So I ended up coming home and ordering the books I wanted from the b&n website.  I did get this baking handbook that has a recipe for bagels and english muffins.  I was going to bake a cake, but Mommy beat me to it.  Boy is it good - eating some now!

*I'm supposed to go to a party on Saturday...

*I gained 8 pounds!  Go TRex!  Mommy says I look alot better, that I was starting to look old ("You looked 25 instead of 21" which is crazy since I'm 30) and the extra weight is carried well.  Yeah, Trouble got her ass back


Amazon said...

Shit, I've got a few pounds I can send your way:)

Danae said...

I love crazy people.

And THANK YOU! Barnes and Noble ain't yo GD house. That's what they got the chairs in there for. To sit yo ass down and read. Or go into the starbucks there, order something and read. Quit hogging up the damn aisle!

af said...

maybe u shude exam ur daily activityies, ie: what time u eat, what u eat, what u do RIGHT BEFORE bed, etc. that might giv u some clues.

"Why you gotta be standing all close to me and shit! Don't you see I'm crazy! Stupid bitch"


why are u going abroad!? vacay? i'd say spain or italy

my frin is havn a christmas party on sat. buh it's soo cold here, i might jus tell her "ill meet u for shopping next week" haha

u shude hav worn spiked heels @ B&N step on them hos!

#8 (i think it is) sed he noticed i had lost weight, i was gonna say "i notice that boner ur tryna hide right now" buh i didnt haha

Anonymous said...

I would have run in the opposite direction from that crazy homeless guy. He sounded scary and crude.

I gained 10 pounds a little while back and its still depressing but I still can't be bothered doing anything about it.

PrettyBlack said...

That crazy shit reminds me of a story a chick I knew told me. She was waiting outside of 7-11 in her dudes car, he had run in to get something. There was a homeless man in front of the store just staring at her so she goes to lock the door and the auto-lock makes this loud ass lock sound...She said homeless dude nutted up and started yelling at her and shit talkin' 'bout:

Bitch why you lock the door? I don't want you bitch! going off and shit. when she first told me that I was on some greenery and gin so the shit may not have been as funny as I thought it was...

Naw it is cause I'm laughing now and that story is like 15 years old...Yeah still laughing.

Amazon said...

I know when I see some crazy dude near my vehicle, I want to lock the door so damned bad, but you KNOW crazy people have a heightened sense of hearing. LOL.

Greenery, yum!

af said...

shay ur a fool plain and simple haha!!

there's a crayz lady who has been walking the streets since before i was born. i think some dude raped her and she got preggers, then lost the baby, etc. well anyway her sis and bro in law (tote str8t lace, no drugs, christians etc.) used to liv across the street and babysit me n sib. 180 of separation in one family thats sad/crazy!

Jonne Austin said...

*I may be going to either Trinidad, Barbados, or Italy. Not sure...

I hate you!!!!

af said...

slim dont hate, she's jus bragging b/c she's nigger rich haha!

NaimaEfuru said...

nah, I'm not nigger rich, I'm solidly middle class bitch! Hmm doesn't sound as good as I'm rich bitch does it?

af said...

it sounds jus as good (tote lying haha)