

cause it is Christmas and Hautechick and The Artist are making like a 7 course meal (I helped make the desserts individual lemon cakes with fresh made lemon whipped cream and fresh raspberries, and/or individual chocolate cakes with fresh made coco whipped cream and raspberries - all the cakes are star shaped!) so I gotta go soon but I wanted to tell you all where the hell I've been.  Holidays are crazy and shit!

- Coco of the brown teeth is no longer Coco of the brown teeth!  My cousin got her shit together and got herself a brand new set of chompers!  Go coco!  They look good.  And just in case you thought I might have lost my snark for the holidays, I would just like to add:  Now get a better weave and we might be in business, that shit was terrible!

- Mommy and I were headed out shopping and we took the Jackie Robinson Expressway.  Since alot of you are not from Brooklyn or Queens and even if you are alot of people avoid that shit let me tell you a little about the Jackie Rob.  It used to be known as the Interborough, running from Brooklyn to Queens.  A lot of people avoid it because its a two lane (in each direction) expressway with very little shoulder, concrete barriers in between the east and west bound lanes and surrounding the expressway.  Its a tight fit that makes a lot of people uncomfortable.  Then you throw in the twisty turny part that runs through one of the largest cemeteries in NYC and you get even less people that want to take it.  Mommy's last driving lesson (while she was preggo with me) was on the Interborough so she's a pro at it, and I happen to know that its a hell of a rush on the back of a motorcycle.  I've driven it a few times myself with no problem, but then again I've been a passenger when other people have taken it and feared for my life.
So anyway, we were headed out to Long Island, which usually takes about 30 minutes if traffic is clear.  It wasn't clear.  You usually don't find too many larger SUVs or trucks on the Jackie Rob/Interborough (sorry I grew up calling it the Interborough so I still tend to call it that, what can I say, I'm sooo old school) but occasionally see one or two.  Boy did we see one!  A tractor trailer in fact (dumbass) decided to brave the Jackie Rob.  He was doing fine til that twisty turny part I mentioned.  Mommy and I didn't see it but when we passed the truck it looked like the whole trailer had just crumpled.  I'm guessing he hit the concrete barrier on the side of the road.  And even though I always get pissed when people slow down by an accident, I took a picture or two.  I couldn't help myself!  
If you're wondering how the cops got past all the traffic to get to the accident, the answer is they went down the middle of the road!  All of the cars on either side pulled onto the 1/4 of a shoulder that exist on the Jackie Rob and he just eased on down.  Kinda cool, not to mention it was one of those new Dodge Chargers that NYPD got. 

That wasn't quickly at all, was it?


af said...

that's crazy! taking pics of other people's misfortune!

traffic is crazy! buh we hav those dodge chargers too. kinda throws some people off haha

Danae said...

Yeah, Washington State Patrol has a new grey Charger. It's soooo sweet! Way cooler than the maroon Impala they used to use as the Aggressive Driving Unit.

Anonymous said...

That highway sounds all sorts of scary. I'm scared just thinking about it...

I like your last tag... ;)

Anonymous said...

When I seen the pictures, I thought it was you in that wreck. Don't be scaring people and shit. I wouldn't drive in NY if you gave me all the money in the world. You are braver than William Wallace.

Favour me with how you make Lemon Whipped Cream.

I want to hear more about the motorcycle trip down Jackie.

And I am sick of you not updating on your thyroid and avoiding my questions. You may be tough and shit because your from Brooklyn, but the South makes us tougher because we hate the heat, we don't make as much money, we don't get good fashion until it's out of style in NY, and I am from the Middle East so we fight until the death, so watch yo' skinny ass.

I love you.