
The Recital

So I actually ended up taking some video of my God daughters performance.  She was pretty good.  I can't even lie and say that most of the program was boring as fuck though.  I clapped for all of the kids, and none of it was actually painful, but boring.  They have a drumline thats pretty damned good.  I liked it even more since it included three young ladies.  But I felt bad for them since they were so much better than the rest of the band.  Most of the drumline looked bored to tears.  

Both sides of the family were there.  Monkeyboy (he is such a serious seven year old, but his deep voice always makes me smile) Monkeygirls stepdad, stepgrand, step aunt, and I think what might have been his new lady friend.  Plus Monkeygirls best friend and a friend of stepgrands. On our side was me, Cousin T, Grandma (Cousin T's Mommy), Greatgrand (who is my dads sister, and who lived downstairs in the house I grew up in.  She still lives there and boy do I have some crazy stories about Aunt Bling), Granddad (Cousin T's stepdad and Superslags dad), Aunt (u know her as Coco of the brown teeth, but boy has that changed! Superslags sister and Cousin Ts stepsister) Superslag, and Wackman (her man that she accused me of sleeping with.)  What struck me was the was that Superslag and her man were dressed compared with the way Stepdad and his lady were dressed.  One couple looked like two people past their prime still trying to dress like teenagers, and the other looked like two people much about their business, young professionals if you feel me.  I think you all are smart enough to figure out which couple was which.

There is this teacher at Monkeygirls school, ooooooh boy is there this teacher.  It was a full house and he was trying to make sure that everyone had a seat.  He sure as hell could have sat on my lap.  And do I know my god child or do I know my god child?  Cause something told me when I was buying her tights to buy an extra pair.  Good thing cause she has an obsession with being properly lotioned, just like myself, put on too much and got grease stains on the first pair she put on.  GodMommy Troubsy to the rescue!

I was going to post some pictures of her but then I decided against it.  It seems hardly fair when I never post pictures of myself.  Not to mention they all include other peoples children.  With all the pervs that slide through here looking for black chicks fucking in boots it was a no brainer.


af said...

dam alot of people showed up!!

alot of cute dudes are becoming teachers now...

and yeah if this were a private "by invite only" blog, then i'd say go for it, buh when it's public, i say dun post pics n shih.

Danae said...

Good choice, since it's all out there and all. Merry Christmas, Troublers!

Anonymous said...

I'm glad she wasn't ashy. I can't stand the ashy. My daddy got some bad ash, it's like he stuck his feet and elbows in flour...

What sort of recital? Ballet? Is your whole family from up North?

I'm glad Coco got teef. Did she get caps?

When I was single...*sigh*, there wasn't a man I wouldn't goose. You should have stuck your finger in his booty ho'. He would have screamed like a bitch.