
Gawd Bless The Crackhead

There is such a fine line between genius and insanity and I love to straddle the line! Amy Winehouse is a talented nut that I hope doesn't go the was of Janis and Jimi. Here's the video of my new favorite song by her. It's from her first album Frank (before Blake and the beehive and the weight loss)

...and by the by dude may be a punk but he sure is fun to look at!


af said...

oh yeah stranger than me is good!
i like amy AFTER she got w/ mark ronson (that wude be "back to black" album)i mean frank was gud, buh mark ronson made "back to black" sing!! that is my album!!

Srenna|Anners said...

Naomi Campbell stole your boyfriend! :)

So when and why did the beehive become preeminent?

She's aight...