
Cold Ain't Cute...

...and neither is stupid!

This weekend Mommy and I took a trip to see my Other Mother. Other Mother and Mommy have been friends since they were 14. Other Mother's parents had dropped her off in Brooklyn (she's from Queens) to visit her cousin (a neighbor and friend of Mommy's) but she wasn't home. Mommy, in a fit of unheard of friendliness, offered to hang out with Other Mother for the day and a TRUE friendship was born. It blossomed even more when two years later my Nana moved the family to Queens, not to far from Other Mother's house. There will be more on Other Mother later, as she's a hoot.

Anyway, Mommy and I stopped by Other Mother's house and Other Mother's 16 year old grandson stopped by to clean up the leaves in the backyard. Now, he's a good kid, doesn't cause too much trouble, but he showed up to clean up the leaves at about 4:45 pm (which if you're on the East Coast you know is right before darkness falls) and he has a little friend with him. At this juncture, I feel it might be prudent to denote that Grandson is a gorgeous gorgeous boy. He's already about 6'1", beautiful clear dark brown skin, huge luminous brown eyes framed by some of the longest lashes you evah did see, and cheek bones you could cut a steak on. Of course I could be partial since he's like my little cousin and I think they are all beautiful. Also in his favor is the fact that he doesn't seem at all aware of the fact that he is gorgeous. So it was no surprise to me, Mommy or Other Mother to find out that his little friend was a girl. Seemingly nice little brown girl who looked her age (I CANNOT STAND seeing these 16 and 17 year olds looking like they're in their 30s) BUTTTTTT it was cold as shit this weekend in NYC (I had to fucking shovel snow yesterday, but thats another story) and all she had on was a little leather bomber jacket and some Air Force Ones (are those like the $54.11's of the new power generation? and in case I just dated myself of people outside of NYC dont call them that, $54.11's are those Reebok high tops that were so popular in the 90s) to sit in the backyard and watch Grandson rake leaves. No gloves, no hat, no scarf, and as tight as her jeans were, I'm betting no long johns or tights either.

Needless to say (cause they are true mothers) Other Mother and Mommy had lil Miss bundled up in a wool shawl and faux-fur headband before allowing her to go back outside with Grandson. They were alot nicer to her than they were to me that time I was in high school and was too lazy to put my tights on after a basketball game and rode home on the train bare legged. I'm still hearing about how crazy I was to do something like that. "Oh, and remember a couple of years ago when she got that cropped wool jacket! Now that was silly!" I wore that jacket exactly 3 times before I realized that it WAS really stupid to think that something that stopped at my belly button would keep me warm in the winter.


af said...

yeah we def wanna hear some more stories about "other mother"

yeah i go outside sometimes jus wearing a scarf when it's freezing, mum/sib/others will pitch a fit when they see me!! haha

it's a good thing that they had that shawl laying around b/c yung people can be soo dumb sometimes...

and it's snowing there!? man thats crazy!

PrettyBlack said...

It's funny cause I was just saying the other day that I don't think young people get cold. It's like 65 degrees out here and that's pretty cold and the kids are still in shorts, shit I'm damn near in fur and shit. Tomorrow it's supposed to be 57 (Lord I hope so, so I can rock my riding boots)

Anonymous said...

that's such a cute story about how they met.

Danae said...

I am always cold! And since I've been on the West Coast for so long, I don't think I would be able to hack an East Coast winter anymore. However, we shall see. I applied for a job with the City of Chicago. And another one in Germany

Srenna|Anners said...


Troubs, Daners said to give you a hug:



Amazon said...

I think it was a nice 75 degrees today. Although the last time I bragged about the sun, the next day was foggy and dreary, I took pics:) So I am retracting my tongue Danae.

and I ♥ Air Force 1's. I think I have 7 pairs.

Anonymous said...

That was beautifully written. I loved the description of Grandson's beauty. I could see him.