
Don't Forget to Hide a Pickle in the Solstice Tree!

* you show me where in the Bible is says that JC was born on December 25th and I'll start calling it Christmas. Some Pope back in the 4th Century choose December 25th, which was already an established holiday among Pagans. (by the by Pagan comes from the word paganus which means rustic, and refers to people that adhere to a Pre-Christian religion - mostly nature based or polytheistic. Oh shit look at the Dumb Rexy knowing shit! owwwwww!) That shit is Winter Solstice or Brumalia if you want to go waaaaay back. Christmas didn't even become a federal holiday in the USA until 1870.

When you're setting up your Solstice tree this year, don't forget to hide a pickle! Its a German tradition. And whom ever finds it on Solstice Eve, gets a special gift! Just some random winter knowledge that I picked up working in a Holiday Ornament store in high school. We used to sell glass pickles. I also know from working there that the man who used to play the Lone Ranger is delusional (dude you were on tv before I was even born, of course I didn't know who you were! Shit even the older folk didn't know who the hell you were, even AFTER you said your name, which I still dont recall) Rosie is hell on assistants and something of a meanie (we sold these ruby slipper ornaments that were covered in glitter and kept sending her assistant back to exchange them cause she didn't like the way the glitter was placed. I should point out that she picked them out herself but blamed the assistant) And Gregory Hines was exceptionally nice, a true gentleman and entertainer! RIP Mr. Hines...


Anonymous said...

Ba Humbug

Me don't really likey christmas time.

Danae said...

Me, either, Janers! Let's be hobags together!

Srenna|Anners said...

Pagans schmagans!

* Daners: You and Janers already are hobags together! Thanks for having my back with that assault Trouble launched on me and my kin a post down, by the way. Fickle Slags!

Danae said...

Wait, what did I do?!

af said...

rambling much!? pickle in the tree!? thats funny, u've nvr celebrated christmas!? (it's a pain for me to not jus type "xmas", buh i must type the full word "christmas" haha)

im a christian so i celebrates it, the day we celebrate it, is by far less imporant than what we are celebrating.

and damn all this "happy holidays" shih. i says merry christmas, happy kwanzaa haha

Anonymous said...

U know u can always count on me Anners.

Yay for people who bring down holiday cheer!

Amazon said...

Happy Kwanzaa to all the rappers, and Happy Hannukah to all their managers:) That's a recording that Kanye did for our radio staion-maybe yours too, you know how they do!

af said...

ls kanye's crazy sumtime buh it's tru....