

Apparently I'm a member of Team Celine, so if any of you are interested in Celine Dion tickets, holla at your girl! You know I got that hotness! Owwww

And I think "Don't Forget to Hide A Pickle In The Solstice Tree" has got to be one of the best titles that I've come up with, if I might say so myself. I think thats going to be the name of my novel...

And TRexy is still making me giggle like a loon.

I had to take the train with high school kids this morning and for some reason that always makes me nervous. By the by Afro, I was right, that was my train!

Wish me luck, the NY Mega Millions Jackpot is now 96 million dollars! That's 96 million dollars! Ah ha ha ha! (sorry still channeling the Count) I promise to buy you all something (or at least come and visit you all) if I win. Hmmm, I'm thinking TypHo estates in Canada, Hawaii, Turkey, Barbados, Seychelles, Belize or Ecuador, Thailand, Italy, and New Zealand.

For some reason this morning I said to Persian Royalty, "I need tea and sympathy!" he cracked up and told me thats the name of a restaurant. And don't worry I don't really need the sympathy, I'm in an exceptionally good mood! Which is hella strange considering...


Blah Blah Blah said...

I always think..."when I win the lotto..."

Guess I otta play huh? I ain't even know how to buy a damn ticket... or what to ask for. All those damn tickets behind the counter and I have no idea what I need to get 96 million.
Probably why...I don't have 96 million already. *huge sigh*

NaimaEfuru said...

I felt the same way, then I asked my Mom. For Mega you can either pick your own numbers using the little slips they have at the lotto place but what I usually do is say "I'd like a $2 Mega Million Quick Pick" or $1 or $10 whatever floats your boat. The other lotto games still confuse me a little but I've got the lingo to numbers down "I'd like 000, 50 cents box and 50 cents straight" I think that means that you bet 50 cents that the numbers come out in any order and 50 cents that they come out the way you called them. I think

af said...

u shude fly us ALL to ny. hermes bag for afers str8t away!!

omg that was ur train!? were those crazy lezzies in the bak "munching box"!? haha. why were u nervous!? haha ok ill admit sometimes i get the same way!

ill pass on the "canadian queen" if she dun watch it i will report her behind to INS dont pass go!

Amazon said...

shit I wish I would win the damn lotto! and 96 million BETTER buy a TypHo estate complete with internet cafe. Free stays for all of us. Others will be beaten at the gate for trying to enter.

And don't try me with the considering.......

considering what?!?!?!

Danae said...

Typho estate! And I agree with the beatings of all those who try to enter

Amazon said...

LOL. We'll rotate shifts to execute the beatings:)

Oh and have you seen Celine's little boy, that long hair has GOT TO GO WOMAN!

Danae said...

I know! He looks like a little girl!

Amazon said...

A little french girl yes!