

My boss is currently sailing off the coast of Italy (lucky bastard) so I take this time to wander aimlessly around midtown in search of the perfect lunch. One such trek took me to Two Boots in Grand Central Station, but that's not the point. The point is I was on the escalator behind these three young men of color. Two of them had on shorts and shower shoes and socks and one of them had on a tee shirt (not white) and some matching sneaks. And before I even tuned in to the conversation they were having, I was kind of thinking that he needs to teach the other two how to dress.

So then I start eavesdropping and I hear one of the shower shoe dudes going off. "These motherfucker's don't know me! I'll fuck somebody up for disrespecting me. Shit!" And the young sensitive thug says, "Man, how the hell are you going to talk about respect, when you just disrespected everyone here that has to listen to you talk that bullshit. Man you are so ghetto, and that's not cool."

I was so impressed that I wanted to give the kid a $20...

1 comment:

matt williams said...

They trip me out when they go off as if anyone cares. People have there own lives to live .