
Where's My Fuckin Cookie LadyShay?!?

Why is it when LadyShay says "Fuck you!" to me, I feel luved?

I actually took some pics when I finished doing my hair, but I look kinda pissed off and aggravated so I'm not posting them.  There's one of me with curly locks, and one with straight. Sort of a before wash and after.  Anyway, heres some snarky broad in all of her locked glory.  Don't you just love my enormous bamboo hoops?  I'm sooo old school...


af said...

hott pics! i luv ur hair in the first pic, u got some muscles too!

whyd u decide to post these lil jewels on ur site?

NaimaEfuru said...

cause LadyShay promised me a fucking cookie! and I want a homemade one for exposing my 6head (more than 4 less than 8)

af said...

i didnt even notice ur 6head girl! i was looking @ ur face and perfect skin!!

now if u wanna talk about massively large craniums tyra banks has got everybody beat haha and she's a model!

jentheobscure said...

I have a big head. (The other day my brother actually called me "fathead." The fucker.)

I agree, perfect skin.

And I, too, love your hair in the first pic. :D

swag_ambassador said...

she has a face :)
and a mean biceps!

Anonymous said...

Hahahah you got some guns, girl!

BTW, first pic of your locks for the win, for sure.

PrettyBlack said...

I love the curly locks too! Perfect skin SKANK! IMAN gives me perfect skin too so there!

Pretty girl...*in my best slave tone* you iz gon' make some pretty negra babees!

Amazon said...

Holy cow Shit! You posted them:)!!!!!! Now I really wanna send you some cookies. I made some cupcakes the other day, and they are melt in your mouth, slap yo momma good! Too bad I don't trust the UPS people to not throw them around.

Fuck You and your biceps! [Mad Luv:)]

Srenna|Anners said...

Damn troublers! Look at yer arm and shit. That's a muscle!

And you're adorable. I like the straight locks, but both r purty.


....yeah, you are pretty diesel.

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