
SuperSlag Update

I actually spent about 2 hours with my worthless cousin yesterday. Cousin T was there to make sure she didn't say something she might regret, and that I didn't choke the shit out of her on gp. I also finally got to meet her new daughter. She's looks a lot like her older sister did when she was that age. But she's having problems pooping. Usually I dont talk about baby poop but I'm putting it out there cause child is not at all happy.

Seems that the formula that she's on (I'm all for breast feeding!) has a lot of iron in it. Plus something else that she takes has a lot of iron in it, so shes all backed up. Someone (ghetto) suggested that she put some soap up the baby's butt, but that just seems wrong to me on sooo many levels. I mean, soap kinda burns doesn't it? There's got to be something a little more natural and less burny than soapy for the little monkey, right? So any suggestions on how to get a backed up baby to poop?

The reason that SuperSlag and I were together was to go to her sons basketball game. He was supposed to have 2 games yesterday, one at 12 and another at 2. We get there at 2 and SS dont know where the game is going to be at. We finally get in touch with SuperSlags ex and he tells us the games, both of them, are already over. Way to keep track asshat! I mean I know you have the baby and all, but you can't write the information down on a calender or someshit? What the fuck. And stop letting people put soap up your babies butt! Sheesh!


PrettyBlack said...

My baby used to get constipated too. The best remedy is one finger up the buttt, move it around a little and the shit starts flowing. Sounds gross but when it's your own it's no big. They are much happier afterwards.

It made me cringe when I had to do it butt...pun intended.

Anonymous said...

Keep the soap person way from that baby!

Do they make baby metamusil?

af said...

i was ger suggest wuh pb (i always wanna call her pb n j) b/c it's wuh i herd on "being bobby brown" and read in some book somewhere.
buh of course afers dun hav kids, and when i do i'll be damned if somebody's gonna put soap on my baby! shih nobodies gonna be handling my babies other than me!

Amazon said...

Lord, what in the hell would soap do??? I'm sorry PB but I don't think I could stick something [including my finger] in my baby's bum, have yet to do it, so I can't really speculate.

Try some guava juice. Although I can't remember if it constipates you or helps you flow. So try a little bit and see where that takes you.