

I reallllllly am starting to be very skeptical about employment agencies.  The latest one that I've hooked up with is not giving me a confident feeling to put it mildly.  It started off pretty well.  I was especially excited because the Treat's Truck was close to their offices.  If you're from NYC and like desserts, you really need to check out the Treat's Truck website and get a cookie or some shit.  Lady is like my fucking hero!  She's got a tricked out old fashion ice cream truck named Sugar, wears a kitschy lil uniform, and makes delicious treats.  What's not to love?  I once got a caramel creme sandwich cookie and gave it to a dude I used to work with.  He looked at it all kinds of funny cause it wasn't fancy looking at all, in fact, they kind of look like sand paper.  But then he took a bite, and that was all it took to get him hooked.  Their motto is "Not too fancy, always delicious!" Anyway, enough about the Treat's Truck for now...

I was also excited about The Agency because it's a certified women owned enterprise, which I thought was cool.  So I get there and the young receptionist asks me to fill out an application.  I was in a snit about it at first, but the application actually asked alot of good questions - things that you couldn't find out by reading my resume.  And she also gave me this sheet with tips for a good interview.  For the most part I agreed with all of the tips, but one kind of bothered me.  It said that you should always wear a suit to interviews.  It went on to say that by a suit, they meant two pieces of the same color purchased together, clean and well fitting.  Now first thing that bothered me about this was that I was sitting there in a black button down shirt, black pencil skirt, (black sheer pantyhose) and round toe black pumps.  Second thing that bothered me about this was that in all of the interviews that I've been on so far, only the men that I interviewed with (3) had on suits, and one was extremely ill fitted, and one didn't even bother with his jacket.  None of the women I met with had on anything even close to a suit.  

The funny thing about it was that I had just bought two new suits and had them tailored so they fit properly.  (Shopping note: If you buy anything from Syms, they have tailors in the dressing rooms and the fee is rather cheap for the work they do.  Turn around was pretty quick too.)  I would have been a little pissy if I walked in there in my new Calvin Klein herringbone suit only to find this maybe 21 year old receptionist in her motorcycle boots and short skirt.  And there there was the other candidate in the reception area in his older brother's suit.  At least thats what it looked like to me.  But I didn't wear a suit and I still looked professional.  And some days a working woman can't go wrong with a nice professional yet feminine dress.  

Anyway back to The Agency.  The interviews went well, and they didn't ask me to test.  I mean really, who works somewhere for 7 years, with references provided, and doesn't know how to proficiently use Word and Excel?  I think it's a little insulting when they ask me to test my skills.  Especially when they tell me that I can't use all of the nifty shortcuts that someone who has used Word or Excel for over 10 years has picked up.  And then when I left the interview and stopped by the Treat's Truck, she was sold out, but she gave me a free cookie!  I seriously have a thing for that woman now.

A couple of days pass and I hear from the permanent placement counselor that I met with.  She tells me about a job that sounds pretty interesting but just got listed, it going to be a while before she hears back from them.  Next day, the temporary placement counselor that I met with calls me.  She has a long term temp job working at a well known firm, replacing someone on maternity leave.  She tells me that they tend to keep people that they like and it sounds like an interesting thing to do for a little while.  (how long in general is maternity leave anyway?) Then she tells me the pay per hour and I say send my resume.  I get off the phone and pull out the calculator and wait a second, it's like half my last salary.  Seeing as I'm still getting paid from The Last Job for a little while longer, I technically could take a pay cut IF it was something amazing that I really wanted to do.  But I'm tired of sitting at home so I figure I'll talk about it with the Temp Counselor when I hear back from her.

When I do, and bring up my concerns, chicky starts whining.  "Well we really like for our candidates to tell us no before we send their resumes and you're putting me in a really uncomfortable situation!" she screeches at me.  Hold on, I simply pointed out to her that the pay was a large step down from what I use to make and I asked her if it would end up hurting me in the long run.  For instance, I said, if they decided to hire me full time, would they expect me to receive less that my last sizable annual salary because I have already done so?  "Oh! Well, um, no!  I mean they would in most cases look at what your last full time salary was. And if you're really worried about the decrease, I can up the pay by $2 an hour."  She really never should have told me that.  Because now I think I can get more money out of her.  Not to mention, I know someone that does temporary placement and if I'm going to give someone my commission, I would much rather it be her.  And because I've known her for so long, I know that she probably won't try to fuck me on the deal, at least with out some dinner and a good lube....


af said...

lol @ dinner/good lube

wtf is up with these temp agencies? they are all messed up and backwards.
ur a good worker, and hav a long and steady work history so u shude be getting offered well paying jobs. its kind of insulting for them to offer u half of what u used to make.

when i wukd at that clothing store i was making ALOT less than my steady job pays, and 6a is too erly to get up for peanuts.

god is in control, and i know hell find u a good job doing something that u like to do. ill be praying for u.

i got an email last friday and a letter today saying that my agency is parting ways with my company! something aint clean in the milk b/c all of the managers from my agency are fired as of may 30th, and that agency has been there for 20 some odd yrs. i all has to do w/ money and the bottom line.
i guess one of the 4 other agencies will pik all 1000 of us up and hire us. good thing im takin my vacay time now b/c i wudent wanna lose it when i transfer over...

PrettyBlack said...

I would have had a problem with the bitch when she got shitty. People know how the economy is and they ASSUME that the reason your going to a temp agency is because there is nothing left. WRONG BITCH! When Pac-Bel initially fired me (remember I told you that story?) I went to a temp agency because I was in school full-time and just needed to work a couple of days a week for pocket change.

Well I let them know, full on that school came first. Oh but the bitch had a fir when I was turning down "possible temp to hire" positions. Bitch didn't you hear that I wasn't interested, I just need some pocket change?

The outfit you had on sounds so ME...I just can't wear to many straight skirts because of these damn hips...you know how you get the too tight crease action around the hip area? Yeah not a good look.

Okay ramblin'....

NaimaEfuru said...

I have no hips, nice booty, but no damn hips! The only reasons that I was thinking about a temp job was so that I could have some cash and split the summer btwn looking for a job and bumming around The Inkwell with Cousin T. It really isn't that serious. And thank you for your prayers Afro!

You know PB when I was reading your comment and you asked me if I remembered the story about Pac-Bell, I was sitting here shaking my head yes, like you could see me!

swag_ambassador said...

I have a big problem with employment agencies, though this job I just got is what seems to be a fit for me.. but the shit I had to go through with the others to get here, lawd

I always thought if you worked at an employment agency, it was YOUR JOB to help find employment.. maybe im wrong, iono