
It's In The Hamster's Cage!

I swear Janet Evanovich is tryin to kill me! I'm thinking about suing for defamation of character and grievous bodily harm, cause I swear that white woman constantly has me making a fool of myself on the train. If I'm not laughing my ass off, or shaking like I'm having a seizure, I'm choking because of something outrageous that she had written. Specifically I'm talking about her Stephanie Plum series, and its latest offering Lean Mean Thirteen.

There was a point in my life when I used to only read Black authors. After years of private school and getting to read maybe one minority author a year, I decided that I was going to do a catching up. That all came to a screeching halt for two reasons.

1 - My Barnes and Nobles got rid of the African-American Literature section. Now fiction is broken down into, Literature, Romance, Science Fiction, and Mystery. So no more picking books by the cover.

2 - Zane I soooo want to give this woman (?) a thesaurus, an editor and a gift certificate for a creative writing class. Not to mention break the Cap Lock key off of her keyboard. What in the dumbed down, tacky, ghetto hell?! I simply cannot understand how this woman (?) sells books.

So, I started reading stuff by the debil aka the white man (I kid, I kid!) and Janet Evanovich has restored my faith that it's not just black folk that are crazy (although Lula's seem to got crazy on lock). And I swear I want a Ranger of my own (is it wrong that a character in a book makes me hot?) But seriously I give high praise to any author that can make me feel something and I will have the child of any author who can make me laugh out loud (Janet, call me ok?)

And with that I highly recommend that you read Lean Mean Thirteen, or any of the other books in the series (One for the Money, Two for the Dough, Three to Get Deadly, etc)


Mala said...

ok, i seriously thought i was the only one. i have every single book including the offshoots visions of sugar plums and plums lovin. i'm too am ashamed of the fact that i wanna sleep with ranger. and i have rolled on the floor when grandma mazur, sweets, and lula all pulled a gun on that street punk who tried to rob them. these folks are too much.

yes lawd!

NaimaEfuru said...

Oh lawd Ranger!