
Lucy & Ricky Retardo...

... the title has nothing to do with the post, but thats what my play cuz and her man are known as.

Hello people!  I'm taking a little break from blogging, on my grind!  I will be back soon.

Kisses bitches,

(& hi Swag!)


Amazon said...

I know you did not just &hi swag! No What up ShayShay, but hi swag!!! we're done, no cupcakes and babies ever! :)

Stay on that grind and keep hot steppin Lil Miss Bad:)

af said...

no hi afro? so thats how u do? grrr!!!

goodluk, hav fun, find a wonderful job and enjoy this beautiful summer weather

Eb the Celeb said...

swag is officially the little blog pimp... he got all the ladies giving him and shout and bday wishes and all

dont take too long of a break!

Amazon said...

Uhhhhh, you and Pretty have left me, how in the hell am I supposed to deal with life?!?!?!

Miss you bitch!

swag_ambassador said...


yall stop hatin cause I got a hi. lol