I seem to be cursed with people who think that it is okay to pop back into my life after 4, 5 or 6 years of abscence.
There is the former co-worker. We haven't worked together since 1998, but when I first moved into the house, she used to live around the corner. I would see her from time to time with her daughter. We even exchanged numbers becuase there was a question that she wanted to ask me about CDCs (Community Development Corporations.) She calls to ask me the question, then when I call her back to give her the answer, no response. (I should point out that I am not one of those people who will leave the information on a voicemail, either you speak to me or no go.) Skip ahead 5 years and why is this woman calling my mothers line looking for me (I'm not listed.) We haven't spoken in 5 years and you think its cool to call my Mom and ask her to give you my number? Like that was really going to happen.
The old, "Oh, we're old friends, I'm sure she wouldn't mind if you gave me her number" ploy might work somewhere else, but not with the Mother of Snark. "Weelllll, her number hasn't changed in over 7 years so if you had it once, you still have it. I don't feel comfortable giving out her number, but if you'd like to leave yours, I'll gladly pass it along." Not to mention chick lives in North Carolina now. I really dont see the point in spending money on long distance to speak to someone that I haven't thought about in 4 years. Specially not after the last time we spoke.
I think I may have mentioned the former high school buddy that moved to South Africa during college. I sent her emails, no response. Hell I even ran into people that saw her while she was in NYC visiting. You didn't want to see me then, why the fuck are you calling me now?!? It been at least 10 years, what the hell could we possibly have to say to one another?
My godparents are the major fuck ups. (Not to be confused with my God Mother in Cali) They decided to move to Atlanta when I was a junior in High School. Got maybe one letter and have seen them maybe once since then. These people have the nerve to call my Mom to let her know how dissappointed they are that I didn't keep in touch. What the fuck! You were the adults in the situation, why was it my responsibility to keep in touch? And why wait fucking 12 years to bring that shit up. Fuck off. No seriously, I know one of you was my dad's best friend, but I'm pretty sure he would tell you to fuck off too!
The nerve of them. It's the god parent's responsiblity to look after the kid not vice versa.
grown people wanting kids to keep in touch w/ them? thats some bull.
and ur mum is a smart lady jus like my mum. shih she wudent giv out my number for anything, and thats good news. i'm not old enough to hav any blasts from the pasts yet, buh i'm pretty sure i'll hav some when i'm like 30 or w/e. and this yr we unlisted our number so that's a good thing.
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